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Izismile Videos
"My Husband Got Me A Bouquet Of Mushrooms For Mother's Day"
"My Husband Has Brown Eyes, I Have Blue. These Are Our Four Children's Eyes"
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"Woke Up To A Swan Peering Through My Front Door"
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"I Had A Tendon Transplant In My Finger And They’re Using A Button, Sewn Through My Fingernail, To Hold The New Tendon In Place While It Heals"
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"Pool Themed Restrooms In A Hotel"
"This Vintage Calculator Is Transparent So It Could Be Displayed Via Overhead Projector"
You know a child made that shirt.
No way! Next, you are going to tell me that Juan Valdez was not real and neither are Ronald McDonald or Chef Boyardee, but that they were in fact invented by a corporation to sell their product. But at least, you're not like Espey who is asserting that without a shadow of a proof.
The gas station is under no obligation whatsoever to provide creamer. Wtf.
If it was the back door, wouldn't it be a goose instead?