“Got a new, spare fridge for my basement and stocked it with several cases of spindrift the moment it was delivered. Went to grab them to set up for my youngest son’s first birthday party, and I discovered that the fridge had been delivered in freezer mode. . .at least my beer was upstairs.”
MY suitcase is Now in the Twilight Zone and the Airline didnt believe that i HAD a suitcase in the First Place ( Not even their OWN package slip).
Thank God my Daughter took Pictures like it was the jalta conference.
Sue this s#ckers. No Mercy for airlines
7 hrs? seems exaggerated
#3 Uh....If you kids acts that way, it is because you babied them so much that they cannot handle the new and unexpected.
#5 Why wouldn't you just go and get new socks? Why do you need your girlfriend to F up your old ones before you go and get new ones?
#12 I did something similar once. However, I do have tastebuds and stopped immediately.
#19 "Essential oil destroyed the stain on my brand new kitchen island." I wonder what that stain was supposed to look like and how the essential oil destroyed it.
#40 If you have an "only key", you're doing it wrong.