"My brown dog has 6 white hairs on the tip of her tail"
"I clean pools and today i saw someone had two fake 100 dollar bills embedded in their pool bottom"
"There is a bronze statue of a pool floatie at my local pool."
"The pattern on a century egg I just peeled."
"These lemons at the coffee bar have little hairnets"
"Saw this bus pull this maneuver to block traffic for kids that have to cross the street"
"Bird eyelashes are tiny feathers."
"My otherwise standard hotel room has a completely empty small room attached to to it"
"My ipod nano’s battery puffed up"
"My peeled garlic suggests eating it as a snack"
"My keys have almost worn through my carabiner"
"My wife uses the soap holder the other wa"
"The effects of Himalayan sea salt on a book."
"A “healthier 4 u” vending machine in Texas"
"This book I bought used on Amazon is signed by the author"
"The auto plant my BF works at labels everything like it's for preschoolers."
"Forgot about an apple and it turned black."
"My dad made a strange shopping list"
"This patch of mushrooms that popped up a couple days after I mowed"
Century eggs are delicious
In the Netherlands we have potatoes with buttermilk
No. Average employer IQ.
The guy who works at the company always knows more than the guy who runs the company.
You got that right.
You must be pretty d*mb to think it's not smart to unionize.
Unions were once a good idea. Until Americans brought victimhood to a whole new level. Unions have become fascist. They forgot their true mission, like the Teachers Union. Indoctrinate children and if the parents complain - or even notice - they are criminalized. Prove...me...wrong.