"This card that came with a Gold PS4 I won from Taco Bell"
"I have a mylar Pikachu balloon on a stick I bought 1999 and it's still inflated."
"My boyfriend’s parents had their kitchen outlets painted to match their backsplash"
"Desirable weight according to height in 1959"
"Unnecessarily underlined locker number"
"This ice cream arrived without a lid, and with the best by date stamped right on the ice cream"
"This is the internal packaging of a smart vacuum cleaner, but it looks like a relief you could find in an Aztec temple"
"My parking voucher expires in 2095"
"Different values of US currency have a strip in them that glow different colors under UV light."
"The 1947 course catalog from my school lists “supervised rest” as an activity course for women"
"The belt I’ve worn since I was 16, I’m 39 now and on the second to last hole"
"In Singapore, senior citizens and people with disabilities can tap a card to get extra time crossing the street"
"My dog’s iris has a dark spot"
"Bought this coin set at a pawn shop for less than it was purchased for 20 years ago"
"Las Vegas Sphere and F1 track for this weekends Grand Prix race through the strip."
"My right foot is mostly normal but my left foot is completely flat"
"This fancy restaurant has a shower in their bathroom"
"The placement of the knobs for this hotel sink"
"The little “spoon” included with my humidifier to add salt"
"Fly footprints on a mirror"
"Traffic lights in the Netherlands tells you when a bus is approaching"
Agreed, not footprints.
No, that's when people were much healthier.