"There’s an innumerable amount of things that can go wrong in your development from conception to birth, a great number of them fatal."
"Solitary confinement was first instituted by the Quakers in the 1700s. The idea was that the confined would only have his own thoughts to keep him company, and thus the prisoner would come out of confinement born again and reformed . In actual fact, such prisoners were driven insane by the isolation and frequently killed or mutilated themselves, or became so violently paranoid that they were never able to rejoin society. "
"If a biological trait is common in almost every human, then it evolved for a reason. Almost everybody has the same response to the “uncanny valley,” or in other words we are made uncomfortable by things that look almost human but not quite. This implies humans once had a reason to fear something that looks human but isn’t."
"Every second you live is one second closer to dying."
Izismile Videos
"That the “TOP SECRET” code to launch the US nuclear arsenal duing the Cold War was “00000000” (eight zeros)."
"The universe will eventually die. Only a finite number of thoughts will be thought and feelings felt between now and then. Nothing we do will matter in the end."
"The extinction of human life is entirely inevitable. Its not if, its when, and there is really nothing we can do to stop it. Even scarier, our own extinction is incredibly likely due to our own actions, something no other species has ever done."
"There are microscopic worms that live in everyone’s eyelash follicles."
"If a chimpanzee attacks you, it’s more than likely going to rip off your genitals."
"At some point in the cremation process, you are perfectly cooked medium rare."
"In march of 2022 the first ever bit of microplastics were found in the human bloodstream"
"When scientist discovered Kuru, a prion disease from a tribe that eats their dead, they found people from civilized populations can have the gene to protect against it, meaning our ancestors were not only cannibals, but were for several generations."
"Blind people dont see black. They see nothing."
"Many humans are the perfect height of where falling down from a standing position can cause severe brain damage and death from a single fall. There’s a reason why a lot of kids and babies can eat sh#t and get up immediately but when an adult falls they stay down."
"Your bones are always wet."
So enjoy that trip to Yellowstone while you can... (a lot of estimates say that will probably be the one to go off)
Dont forget this cells are mostly misused to make Work easier for jailers.
The prisonsystem is underfunded and riddled with corruption.
"Private prisons" REALLY?