Job Truths: Unmasking Myths And Misconceptions In Various Professions (17 GIFS)

Posted in INTERESTING       1 Feb 2024       2024       7 GALLERY VIEW

"A few for airline pilots

We probably don’t have a “route” per se. We fly a type of plane and we bid for “trips” each month which depending on the plane you’re currently flying could vary enormously. If you’re senior enough you could bid a “route” let’s say weekday Miami to New York and back 10 times a month and that’s all you choose to do.

The Plane flies itself. This one isn’t really true. The autopilot is a tool to reduce workload but we still have to “tell” the plane what to do and understand the rules around when, why, and how to do it."


"Most lawyers spend a tiny fraction of their work time in court and many lawyers never go to court."


"If you send your food back to a kitchen, nobody spits on it. We may laugh because we made it exactly the way it appeared on the ticket, but we’ll fix it because that’s our job."


"Janitor here. We aren’t lazy people who just sit around and drink coffee.

All buildings require a hefty amount of maintenance and most commercial buildings would be unusable in less than a month without a team of janitors and sanitizers.

We are constantly on our feet and there’s always something that needs fixing, so even on a quiet day, I walk around 30k steps."


Izismile Videos

"Medical lab/research techs don’t hold erlenmeyer flasks filled with brightly colored liquids up above their heads to gaze at them with light filtering through. Even in the fields where your role requires you to inspect the opacity of a sample or reagent, that is an idiot move. But it’s like the standard for stock photos and TV/movie extras"



"Sorry, dog. I’ve seen CSI so I think I know a little bit about real science. I know it’s possible to find someone’s identity by sciencing a fart captured in a test tube."


"That all teachers are unhappy and underpaid. I am underpaid, but I am not unhappy. I love my job."



"Most teachers I know love the actual job and their students. It’s the combination of unreasonable expectations from the administration and being underpaid that makes them unhappy."


"Most American opera singers aren’t really that fancy. Most grew up middle class. The biggest fakes in our industry are Joyce di Donato and Thomas Hampson. They grew up in the Midwest. They use fake accents and are horrible at trying to give masterclasses. It’s incredibly common in American voice from the collegiate level to the big leagues.

You’ll be talking to a professor with a chic British accent, then discover they were born and raised in Bayonne, New Jersey and have never gone to the UK."


"That Geology is just about rocks. It’s also about Paleontology, Paleoclimatology, Earth history, how life began, how our planet became what it is today, volcanoes, earthquakes, Geophysics, mining, engineering and more, it’s a great career sector and generally well paid."



"Mail carrier. We don’t decide whether or not we’re going to deliver your check that day, we just deliver whatever the machines and clerks give to us."


"That office people just chat and drink coffee all day, whereas for some office jobs it might be true its definitely not true for mine."


"I’m an electrician and it’s not only a pliers and a screwdriver we use all day."



"What about the crayons you people have for lunch"


"Computer programmer (software engineer). Just because I write software doesn’t mean I can necessarily troubleshoot your hardware when it doesn’t work."



"As a person that used to work in retail I can say we do not have that popular must have out of stock item squirrelled away in the back storage and hidden to sell to our friends or ourselves at a later time.

Inventory is all controlled and monitored via computer systems these days. Management would have a mental fit if our inventory system showed that we had stock of an item and can’t account for it.

When you ask us to check in the back. I used to take a small break because I know how our inventory system works and there’s no sense for me to make an effort to look for something that I know we don’t have in stock."


"Not my profession but my workplace. I work in a library and no I don’t tell people to be quiet."


"Firefighter/paramedic of 24 years. The vast, vast majority of calls aren’t for emergencies. Far from it. It’s almost all low acuity medical calls to nursing homes, people who don’t want to wait to visit their primary physician, people who absolutely refuse to take care of themselves, people who want/demand for us to help them but won’t lift a finger to help themselves.

Don’t get me wrong, we respond to plenty of true emergencies and there are definitely people out there who are appreciative and doing the right thing when it comes to taking care of themselves.

However, for everyone, actual, emergency there is at least one 400lb type 2 diabetic on the third floor apartment who hurt their knee two weeks ago and now suddenly during a snowstorm, they want us to take them to the hospital because they ran out of hydrocodone and never followed up with Ortho like they were supposed to."


"I don’t know why customers continue to think the manager is going to side with them. All they are going to do is say the same thing I’ve been saying for the past 10 minutes."



"As an automotive mechanic, I’d really like it if people didn’t try to lowball me on literally everything and accuse me of being a swindler with zero proof. In my experience most actual scumbag mechanics are actually very charismatic and friendly and lull people into a false sense of trust. Mechanics get all sorts of accusations hurled their way and there is rarely any actual basis for it since the average customer can’t tell good work from bad.

I worked at a dealership where the parts markup was less than 10% and we undercharged customers constantly. We were still accused of being scalpers, or at least too expensive for no reason, with the usual reasoning being that our officially licensed dealership was not as cheap as a private shop ran by a 27-year-old guy who opened it after apprenticing for 3 years and dealt in stolen parts."



Kasey 1 year ago
#5 i worked at a research lab back in the 80's on military contracts "star wars".
i worked with scientists and engineers.
no white lab coats, sneakers and jeans was what we wore, all the scientists were job i ever had
Ivan 1 year ago
#6 everybody thinks they are underpaid, for some reason teachers are the only profession where everyone takes that complaint seriously
Leon 1 year ago
it's the programming, teacher dont get paid like pro athletes!!! its unfair!! think of the children!! in my state they are extremely well paid. most can retire at 55, they are on the top 10% of income. they are contractually guaranteed raises from their union of 5% or more. Even during covid. i did taxes one year and a 2 teacher family set up IRAs for their kids. they'll never HAVE to work
Pamela 1 year ago

you sir, are a liar. What state was this? Total BS. Raises are not guaranteed and are controlled by state legislatures and the local tax base, with most raises being 2% or less per year. The are definitely not in the top 10% of salaries. Most teachers start out now at 30K or less a year, with benefits being taken away yearly. My wife and sister are/were both teachers in different states and both are making less now than some starting wages for their kids coming out of college or tech school. Stop trying to push an agenda because you underachieved in life. Facts man... facts.
Virdie 1 year ago
#4 I have never seen a bored Janitor, and even in media they're depicted as always working, which is why I respect them more than the suit wearing posers who are barely good at making decisions because they worry about wrinkling their constricting clothes.
Virdie 1 year ago
#13 I also work in retail, and I KNOW that all the stock needs to be on the floor as much as possible, but backstock means there is stuff that didn't fit, or is being rotated in. So IF you have a way to check that by a device then please do, but don't slam people for asking since they took the effort to find something they really wanted. And making them wait is disgusting behavior, because who likes waiting when they have a schedule with friends waiting?
Virdie 1 year ago
Not all business owners are lost in the rafters making money off the labor of their contractors. Most of my actually earned money from working the jobs goes into the business, so most of the time my contractors take home more money than I do.





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