Behind Closed Doors: Industry Insiders Spill The Biggest Secrets (2 PICS + 18 GIFS)

Posted in INTERESTING       21 Feb 2024       2565       9 GALLERY VIEW

"I’m an unarmed security guard. Every now & then I’ll get a comment from someone about how they’re glad I’m around in case there’s an active shooter or something.

Yea; if that happens? We’re not doing anything aside from getting ourselves to safety and calling the cops. We’re literally told in training that if we try to intervene directly with an active shooter we’ll be fired."


"Wildlife photos and videos are often not “natural.” The animals are baited with food or are from a zoo and on a set."


"Most—probably 80 percent or more—of the books on the nonfiction bestseller list (autobiographies, memoirs, political/business books, etc.) are ghostwritten.

Source: I am a ghostwriter."


"If you have already googled your problem, you have already exceeded the first two tiers of tech support."


Izismile Videos

"Worked with a lot of banks and their It systems. You wouldn’t believe how old and fragile they are. It’s a wonder it’s not all coming crashing down."


"The New York Times best-seller list has a lot of people on it who buy massive numbers of their own books.

Apparently, there is a symbol that indicates that while it did make best-seller status, there was a bulk buy. A footnote, if you will, or similar to an asterisk."


"I’m an academic researcher and I can speak for a huge number in my field when I say: If you want access to our studies and they’re behind a paywall, you can email us and we will send you the study. We are genuinely delighted to share and if you want further context for the results or what have you, I’ll always try my best to oblige."


"I’m a casino manager. It is definitely possible (more likely than you think) to win money in the short term. For example, if you walk in, bet on Red/Black on Roulette, it’s reasonably close to 50/50 (not quite because of 0). 

You might do this once, double your money and leave. Congratulations.You will always lose in the long term. Always. Anyone that thinks they have some kind of system is a s#cker. A game would not make it into the casino floor if the maths have not been rigorously checked and long-term simulations run to confirm.

*Poker is the exception. The casino will always have a rake or time charge to make their money but there is no reason you cannot consistently win money if you are skilled enough."



"If your baby goes to a nursery/daycare, chances are those weren’t their “first” steps/words, etc that you witnessed. The industry standard is to not tell parents when these things happen as it makes them feel bad. I’ve seen kids up and walking about the room for weeks, even months before their parents proudly announced at drop-off that they “Took their first steps last night”."


"Cannabis testing labs with higher fees will also return higher THC numbers"


"I worked in politics. There are A LOT of people who write to a politician like they’re a celebrity. They receive love letters and all kinds of weird stuff. There’s also quite a sizeable part of their mail that is comprised of people asking for a photo with an autograph. Way more than you think !

Some because they’re admirers, others because they collect them… and then some other cases you don’t really want to know about (I’ve worked for a female politician, trust me, you don’t wanna know).The dirty little secret within the secret is that the politicians I knew didn’t sign anything. They had a machine that did all the signing for them. So technically the autographs were not even real."


"I make wildlife films for big streamers and broadcasters. The animal sounds are all either from a library or Foley."



"Food isn’t food in most commercials. Whipped cream is shaving cream. Ice cream is playdough. That cereal that looks fresh and crunchy in a bowl of milk? It’s glue, not milk. Glue doesn’t cause the cereal to go mushy and directors can shoot for hours. It’s all TV magic!"


"On cruise ships, slot machine gambling is a scam. They pay heavily on the first day then nearly nothing. There are no laws governing gambling in international waters."


"Many “listeners” calling into morning radio shows are paid actors, especially in segments like “War of the Roses” and “Second Date Update”. It’s all fake."


"Your lobster tail at Outback is microwaved."



"Car industry: NEVER buy a car that is completely new on the market! They always come with a ton of bugs that need fixing and it takes about two years of serial production to get rid of most of them. If you must buy a new car, be sure the model has been in the market for at least two years. The reason why we don’t fix the problems before the start of selling? Cost."


"I worked in a factory that makes microwave meals. A lot of them were identical. For example, we’d add sleeves for a high-end supermarket, then we’d stop the line and put different sleeves on for a budget supermarket. Exactly the same product, a quarter of the price."


"I wrote an original movie a few years ago. Totally original. Totally my idea. When it finally aired on TV, It said “based on a true story.”"


"Please keep in mind these are folks on the Internet. Be sure to take the info above with several grains of salt. Use your own judgement!"





Wilber 3 month s ago
#18 This is true for many food products and even soaps and detergents.
Lonzo 3 month s ago
#2 Same with “amateur” porn.
Thursa 3 month s ago

"amateur" porn with 4 camera angles
"hidden camera" porn with moving close-up shots
"step"-family porn with known actors
Horace 3 month s ago
#14 Not true, according to maritime law – the rules that govern all things seaworthy – gambling laws on the waves are determined by the nation the ship is registered with. Once a ship is docked or within a certain distance from the coast of a country, then it becomes subject to the law of the land whose coastline it is.

#16 According to the Food Network, "steaming" is "a moist heat cooking method, during which boiling water evaporates into steam. That steam, along with whatever you are cooking, is trapped in a pot with a tight-fitting lid, which creates the perfect, hot environment to cook the food."
The network went on to say that using a microwave is "possibly [the] easiest" way to steam food.

"This method will work best with vegetables, and all you need is a bowl and some microwave-safe plastic wrap," the network explained.

"Place your food in the bowl, add a few tablespoons of water, and cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap, taking extra care to make sure the plastic wrap doesn't touch the food itself. Then microwave for 4-6 minutes until fork tender."
Feli 3 month s ago
#1. How is an unarmed guard expected to intervene in an active shooter scenario??
People are stupid.
Richard 3 month s ago
Feli, he could yell “Hey! Stop doing that!”
Leon 3 month s ago
idk ask the uvalde police who were actually armed and chose not to intervene either.
Virdie 3 month s ago
#5 I worked for a bank, and still use them 20+ years later, and they have NEVER done a full system redo to fix their long standing data input issues (the word parts not the number parts). I keep wondering how much it would cost, since most basic game apps these days are a million times more complex.
Virdie 3 month s ago
#6 So, they are best sellers because the publisher fronts the money for the books and then sells them? I bought all my books directly from the printers... so that means I'm a best seller too, with 100٪ sales, and since I sold most of them directly to gift shops, then that means 189% sales best seller. Is that really how it works?





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