"Some squids have a round/donut shaped brain. Their esophagus runs through it. Unfortunately, if these squids eat too large of a meal, they can quite literally squish their own brains."
"Dragonflies have the highest kill rate of any predator. In fact they often catch up to 95% of the prey they are hunting."
"There are some fossils suggesting that penguins used to be 5-7ft tall."
"The default position of a sloth’s claws is a closed fist. This is obviously the opposite of humans, and is also why sloths can sleep while they hang from trees without falling."
"Farm-raised ostriches have been know to become attracted to their human owners. Because humans are around during breeding, females can be stimulated by the mere presence of a human being."
"Crows are very intelligent. They are similar to mammals in that they fear and can learn from death."
"In order to find a mate, male scorpionflies will hunt down the biggest prey they can find and present it as a gift to the female. Unfortunately, some males are pretty terrible hunters. Instead, these males pretend to be a female suitor, wait until another male drops prey at their feet, and then steal the prey to go give to a female."
"We all know that dogs are super intelligent. But they can actually make judgements about strangers based on how they interact with their owners. Positive interactions result in positive social judgements."
"One polar bear liver contains 9 million International Units of Vitamin A. That is enough to poison and kill over 50 humans."
"Naked mole rats have adapted so that they can actually survive for nearly 20 minutes without any oxygen."
"American bison have what is called a single contiguous pleural cavity. That means both lungs are contained in the same cavity, unlike humans. This makes hunting these bison easier, as you typically can puncture both lungs with one shot."
"Greenland sharks are known to live anywhere between 200 and 500 years. Making them the oldest living vertebrate on the planet."
"If they lose in a fight, gorillas and apes will literally masturbate their frustration away."
"Porcupines have evolved over time to create antibiotics for their own quills. The reasoning? When climbing down tress, porcupines descend backwards using their tail for support. Hitting branches is common, so many porcupines end up thinking they are on the ground, jumping out of the tree, and falling onto their own quills."
"Most mating between ducks is not consensual. Male ducks use their corkscrew penis to penetrate, while females use their corkscrew vaginas as defense. It’s not pretty."