“Dominos! This was supposed to be my gender reveal for the grandparents…total flop, should read ‘It’s a boy’ but Dominos apparently doesn’t know how to place pepperonis close together!”
"Gender reveal lasagna"
“We found out at our 32 week growth scan that our little girl was actually a little boy”
"Gender reveal cake fail"
"And what’s supposed to be a pumpkin…for some reason."
“He or she?? We don’t know either. Mislabeled streamers lead to a confusing gender reveal! This is something we won’t forget. IT’S A GIRL!”
“Chocolate = boy
Strawberry = girl
There is only one baby and I see TWO flavors……”
"And another gender reveal lasagna???"
“Let’s do the reveal inside. What’s the worst that can happen?”
“My friend’s family wore the colors of the gender they preferred for the new baby…”
“Before finding out he was getting a baby sister….and after”
I live in Brazil and they do this sh#t here as well
isn't Brazil on the southern continent of America?
They may have been born and raised in America…but they’re not ‘Americans.’
These idiots will do anything to be perpetual victims. If they hated what they were…I get to hate what they’ve become. That’s equality.
I can't belive I have to say this... Genes make you male not female, which means (as much as one people ignore reality) gender is real. Male and female is not a choice, sexual preference IS A CHOICE (according to actual science, which has been proven by identical twins). BUT, how you want to live, dress, and have relationships with ARE societal choices. I support whatever choices people make, but I will NEVER PRETEND that GENES DONT EXIST!.
#14 Why is he taking a ball on a gender reveal pitch? Shouldn’t he swing at anything?
A swing...and a 'Miss.'