This $1,825 Gucci skirt that can't be washed or dry cleaned:
These wasteful shoe slips for people who feel "too awkward" to tell their guests to take their shoes off:
This view that's completely disrupted by a Burger King sign:
These $2,450 dirty, destroyed jeans:
And this $400 robotic grill brush for anyone who can't tolerate taking 10 minutes to clean their grill:
This gun ammo vending machine (horrifying):
This $32 avocado keychain:
This extensive packaging for a singular pen:
These three nonsense excuses (shared by a former car salesman) that people use to buy a new car:
This $199 solar eclipse pendant that's already outdated:
Same with this NYC earthquake memoriam shirt:
This enormous cemetery of used clothing in Chile:
This excessive amount of packaging for a few cables:
And finally, this packaging over fruit that already has NATURAL protection:
Believe everything you read on FB, Newsmax, and OAN, do you?
ACTUALLY this ist not on Izismile. If you look at the very bottom of the post, you can see that the content is from Therefore, the opinionated extremist delicate flowers you mentioned (a.k.a. "average people on the internet") are not hired professionals, but run-of-the-mill boobs on other sites you and I don't frequent. You're welcome.