Nostalgic School Days: Practices That Would Raise Eyebrows Now (2 PICS + 16 GIFS)

Posted in INTERESTING       17 Apr 2024       1059       11 GALLERY VIEW

"We went on a field trip to watch a cow get butchered."


"I remember punishment in class for whatever the teacher didn’t like; we had to hold four pounds of books in each hand with our arms extended."


"Back in the ’60s, our high school (Ontario, Canada) received a bomb threat, and all 1,100 students were evacuated. Ten minutes later, the principal gathered all the senior-year boys and sent them back to the school to do a thorough search. As expected, the bomb didn’t exist, but potentially we were expendable. Not one single student nor parent commented, let alone complained."


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"My high school had a daycare, and I remember the teachers being upset that they couldn’t use it. It definitely helped teen moms stay in school, though."


"Back in the ’80s, my elementary school would use fifth graders as crossing guards. We 10-year-olds legit stood there in our bright orange safety belts and were fully expected to stop traffic and guide younger kids safely across the street. My mind was blown the first time I saw a ‘grown-up’ crossing guard."


"Running errands for teachers during class! We were sent out to the city numerous times to deliver or pick up stuff or even pay their bills at the post office. I remember picking up dry-cleaning, delivering documents to a teacher in another school, and buying eyeliner and mascara for my German teacher, who one time came to class with only one eye done."


"My middle school in the ’70s required that boys swim naked during swim class. I still don’t know the reason."



"During high school, boys had to carry their football or basketball during that season’s sport. If they had a girlfriend, she had to walk three feet behind the athlete."


"In elementary school (1961), when I was ill, my father sent a glass jar containing whiskey and honey, with a tablespoon attached, to the teacher with dosage instructions."


"My mom was a teacher, and when she got pregnant with me, she was expected to quit as soon as she started showing because it was ‘inappropriate’ to be pregnant around children. She refused to, and it made her principal really angry."


"In the early ’70s, if a child’s name was difficult to pronounce, the school changed their name. Enrique was changed to Henry."



"In the ’60s and ‘70s, my father-in-law was an elementary principal and used to take the boys out of school to the barber if he thought their hair was too long."


"When I was in 5th/6th grade, I was asked to manage the principal’s office during the principal’s/secretary’s lunch breaks."


"When I was in elementary School (1963-1966) in Eaton Rapids, Michigan, the local power company did a presentation on the wonders of nuclear power and passed around a chunk of radioactive ore for the kids to handle."


"Class of ’86 here. For an English Shakespeare presentation in class, I used one of my real swords as a prop. I just walked down the hallway to class, blade in its sheath, no problem!"



"In our small rural town in Kansas, which was mostly comprised of farm kids from all over the county, the older junior and senior-aged kids were allowed to drive the buses on the rural routes. One of our drivers, who was a senior, used to hit a big hill at top speed, and it would make the fire escape door fly off the back of the bus."


"After finishing kindergarten, our teacher had a sleepover at her house and invited all the kids from class. We camped out in her living room, got to play with her baby, and hung out with her husband watching movies after dark. The next day, after breakfast, we went to the park and hung out ’til our parents came to collect us from the town where we lived 20 minutes away."




Elminie 1 week ago
Only strange thing I remember is that my 8th grade math teacher (probably around 1980) had a ruler with tape on the end that he would hit kids on the head with if they were misbehaving. Broke it once or twice on a kids head.
Derrick 1 week ago
I remember one teacher throwing heavy key rings at misbeheaving kids. Also we had at least two or three cases of a teacher hitting a kid. It wasn't a big deal at the time (late 90s), probably because the "victim" usually was well deserving. Still hard for me to understand are the teachers who mocked and ridiculed students for being heavy or underachieving. That was really pathetic and I hope todays kids don't accept that kind of behaviour anymore.
Ivan 1 week ago
I don't remember anything remotely like that.
Eddie 1 week ago
#15 - still done today, albeit not raw ore but fuel pellet encased in epoxy as a "keychain" accessory.
Griselda 1 week ago
In 6th-grade science class the teacher passed around an open beaker of mercury. Heavy as hell. Everyone dipped their fingers in it. Lunch time!
Nate 1 week ago
Jr high in the 70's, during PE you'd have to break a major bone before they'd call an ambulance. I broke my ankle, it wasn't until I passed out from the pain that they called the ambulance. Broken nose, broken fingers, coach would tape it up and you're good to go. Get knocked unconscious, as long as you could make a coherent sentence by the end of the period no problem, even then if you were loopy they'd just send you to the nurse who would 'watch' you until she decided you could go back to class. Then there was the tackle football on the blacktop which would have melted puddles from how hot it was.
Virdie 1 week ago
#12 Sadly, this was EXTREMELY COMMON for every school, particularly religious ones, and is still practiced, although not legal name changes like hisotrically (some foreign schools will give nicknames or use the name in their language, like Mary, Maria, and Marie, which are English, Spanish, and French).
Thursa 1 week ago
#8 I'm pretty sure the swim-teacher was a pedophile
Chan 1 week ago

Yup. In 7th grade we had a gym teacher that would make us dry off just outside the shower, drop our towels in the bin, and have to walk to our lockers naked.
Chan 1 week ago
#6. True. I was a crossing guard in sixth grade.
Delius 1 week ago
got taped to my chair when I was 6 because I did not stop moving (80's)

teachers let students go to the shop to buy him beer or cigarettes.
That same teacher allowed students (13-16 years old) smoke in class when they pay him some money. This in a school that did not allow smoking outside on school property. (early 90's)
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