This multi-tool where the knife won't completely lock in while the pliers are out:
This bedroom window in a hotel that opens so far you could fall out:
This boiler shut-off button that was placed right next to the light switch:
This packaging for body wash that anyone would mistake for honey:
Izismile Videos
This confusing warning sign:
This not-safe-for-kids cleaning product that has child-friendly packaging:
This lighting fixture that burned the grass and could burn other things:
This button for 2-year-olds that's so small it's a choking hazard for anyone under three:
This bike lane that suddenly ceases to exist:
This trippy tile design that could make someone lose their balance:
These intersecting staircases:
These anti-unhoused, anti-loitering parking blocks that could cause a gruesome accident if someone tripped near them:
These nearly identical bottles for toilet cleaner and dish liquid:
These mug handles that are near impossible to keep a steady grip on:
These stairs that are at a 45° angle which makes them easy to trip on, not to mention the gaps on the side that people's feet can slip into:
This bathtub that basically acts as a pit someone can slip and fall into:
This sidewalk a neighbor wanted to upscale that turned out to be a slipping hazard:
This slide that was placed in front of a pole so kids can slide down and risk a chance of hitting it:
This stainless steel bench on the beach that will scorch anyone's skin on a hot summer day:
And lastly, this car with brake lights that are so low people driving behind them often won't see it:
Not every home in the US has a HOA.
#20 dumbo