The Most Frustrating Doctor's Office Experiences (50 PICS)

Posted in INTERESTING       8 Jul 2024       2808       15 GALLERY VIEW
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"Got This In The Mail Recently. Charged Interest On 0$ By Doctors Office. Then Sent To Collection Over 6 Years Later Without Ever Once Being Contacted By Said Office"

"Doctor’s Office Turned Away My Dad For Arriving At 9:50 For His 10:00 Appointment"

"They said their policy is to arrive 30 minutes early; therefore, he was 20 minutes late and they wouldn’t see him. He is NOT a new patient.

That is a 9:30 appointment, then, not 10:00!

Update to add more details:

My parents have been seeing this doctor for years. They’re very punctual and always arrive early to appointments.

They were not told of this requirement to be there 30 minutes early, nor has it ever come up in all the other times they’ve arrived 10-15 minutes before their appointment.

This was just an annual checkup, made for 10:00 and not rescheduled from another time.

I personally think this is either a new policy they weren’t told about, or an old, unenforced policy that someone having a bad day decided to enforce today.

I hate that this kind of thing has happened to so many of you. Probably more than mildly infuriating"


"Woman With Ovarian Cancer Told Just Overweight By Doctors"

"Doctor's Office Left A Message Cancelling My Appointment With 1 Hour's Notice; The Next Day I Made An Online Request For A Prescription Renewal (Which I'd Planned To Do During The Visit); They Wouldn't Send It In Because I Hadn't Seen The Doctor Recently Enough"

"In the two days before the appointment they'd asked me to confirm THREE times (twice by text, once by email).

I only found out about the prescription denial when I checked the pharmacy a couple of days later and they hadn't received anything, so I called the doctor's office to find out why it hadn't been sent in. They finally sent it in when I pointed out they'd cancelled my appointment when I was almost on my way to see the doctor, and they hadn't had a new available appointment for weeks."


Izismile Videos

"This Doctors Office Has A Window Behind The Bench And Claims The Blinds Don’t Close. My Sibling Had To Strip Down In Front Of A Parking Lot"

"My Dr Thinks He Is Dr House"

"I was at the VA a Couple weeks ago after waiting 6 months to see the bone doctor for a worsening preexisting injury afflicting both of my legs. The doctor spent the entire time playing with the keyboard, not typing anything (i can see the monitor with nothing on it) just tappy tap tapping away, never even makes eyes contact, then proceed to tell me my 16 year old injury must be caused by gout and we will do blood work to confirm but also here is the gout medication because he is correct about this. He then shoo's me out of the room with an "I'm done with you now". I get the blood work done (throw out the prescription) and 5 days later get a call letting me know to stop taking the medication because I don't have gout. YA DONT SAY?!"


"This Endless Automated Text Loop Trying To Cancel An Upcoming Doctor Appointment For My Dad Who Died Yesterday"

"Whats The Point Of Making An Appointment To See A Doctor But Still Waiting 1 Hour Later"


"Got Charged 9k For Doctor To Tell Me It Was Just Period Cramps, And After Going To Another Doctor It Was A Ruptured Ovarian Cyst"

"Sitting In The Doctors Office At 2:10 Listening To Him Bullsh#t About His Weekend In The Room Next To Me When My Appointment Was At 1:30"

"This Exposed Outlet In The Children's Area Of The Doctors Waiting Room"

"This Doctors' Handwriting"


"I’ve Been Sitting In The Waiting Room Of This Doctors Office For Over An Hour And This Painting Is Really Pissing Me Off"

"My Doctor's Appointment Is Scheduled For 1:30"

"This Sticker My Niece Received From The Dentist"

"This Note From My Doctor… How Am I Supposed To Send This To My School?"


"Every Time I Go To This Doctor I Want To Pull That Tape"

"Miss A Call From The Doctors, Call Back And Told I Will Receive A Letter And Follow The Instructions. 6 Days Later Get The Letter Telling Me I Missed A Call From Them And To Call Back"

"Doctor Decides Tell Me That My Beneficial New Supplement Was Just The Placebo Effect"

"I started telling her how I’ve felt much better since I started taking supplement X. She stops me to say that supplement X doesn’t work - it only works because I think it’s working, from the placebo effect…

Driving home, feeling deflated and a bit silly, it hit me that she could’ve just said nothing, and allow me to keep thinking it was working"


"Doctor Requires You To Be 1 Hour Early For 5 Minutes Of Paperwork, Only To Be Running 2.5 Hours Behind. Why Is This Acceptable?"


"My Doctors Office"

"The Floor At My Doctors Office... Where I Go To Get Treatment For Ocd"

"Doctor Wanted To Prescribe Me Eczema Medication That My Insurance Wouldn’t Cover… This Is The Cost With The Goodrx Discount"

"Trying To Confirm A Doctors Appointment"


"I Booked A Doctors Appointment For 1pm (My Work Lunch Break) And It’s Now 1:45pm, I’m Late Coming Back To Work And I Still Haven’t Been Seen. I Literally Only Need A Script Filled Out"


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Raymond 2 month s ago
#7 - if you cancel the cancellation then your appointment is no longer canceled.
Carm 2 month s ago
I can tell you about mine: went to hospital for heart surgery, went home with a brand new stroke (blood clot formed during surgery and ended up in my brain). Didn't get any compensation but am now fucked for life. Gotta love doctors.
Leon 2 month s ago
are you sure it wasn't from being vaccinated and boosted? because that's a thing
Vonnie 2 month s ago

Uh huh. Sure. Yup. You bet. tard
Ginger 2 month s ago
stop lying
stop your telegram
stop your rumble
try reality
Nelson 2 month s ago
Had to stop about 4 in.....fuck them.
Casper 2 month s ago
#6 #47 Go to the patient advocate, and get another doctor.
Manda 2 month s ago
Being on the other side of this bull, I am tired of all the fraudsters who keep claiming one illness after another just to continue to get disability or are such miserable people that they have chased all the people that were in their life away. Thus they thrust their miserable existence on healthcare workers who have to be nice to them. The miserable surly mouths and attitudes of some of these patients, that I have had to tell them go find another doctor. Who the F throws a clip board at a secretary?
Ginger 2 month s ago
and the debtcollector will make you pay for an extra doctorsvisit if your not paying dash

maybe he wanted lunch with you?
Randolph 2 month s ago
I have not ever had a doctors office experience that is not frustrating. For a group of people whose goal is improving the quality of life of their customers, they sure suck at it.
Noel 2 month s ago
Are these from the greatest country in the world?
Noel 2 month s ago

Wow. My comment survived the night!
Maud 2 month s ago

wouldn't be surprised. American healthcare in a nutcase!
Sandy 2 month s ago
I got a temporary crown and the office made an appointment the same day to get the permanent crown two weeks later. The temporary crown fell out after two days and the dentist put it back in. It fell out again the following day. So instead of getting it put back in, I just kept it out and chewed on one side of my mouth until I could get the permanent crown in.

A few days before the appointment to get the permanent crown, the office contacts me to confirm that I will be coming in. So I show up on for the appointment as scheduled, looking forward to finally being able to chew normally again. But the staff informed me the office still had not gotten the permanent crown back from the lab yet! Those idiots couldn't just call me that same morning to notify me about the delay. Instead, I had to take the time off of work and waste time and gas to drive across town to the dentist just to be told the news. They expected me to keep the appointment even though they weren't ready for me. What a bunch of incompetent idiots.
Kristy 2 month s ago
I can see my doctor without appointment. Specialists have some waiting time, up to 2 months, if it's not urgent. They charge me nothing, cause my insurance covers it all. Public Healthcare is great





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