“Dogs “tell time” from scent. Your dog will start getting excited or more active around the time you come home from work each day. They do this not by the actual clock, but because we are creatures of habit and are typically gone the same amount of the everyday.
When we leave our scents in the hoose begin to reduce and we get home they are at a certain level. They become conditioned that we will return when our scents hit that lower level.”
#18 Just like all the other mammals, meat, vegetables, whatever is available to eat.
life is essentially meaningless without death. if things lived a very long time, people would just put it off until later.
Humans just live too long. Most animals have a handful of years to live. American opossums only live 3-4 and make incredibly great pets for the first 2. Then they hit maturity and need to run free and breed. Then they raise their young for a year and die, like an Octopus...