"Before Americans had toilet paper, they used Corn husks."
"When dinosaurs were alive, there were active volcanoes on the moon."
"The Earth’s rotation is SLOWING DOWN.
On average, every century the Length of a day INCREASES by 1.8 seconds."
"A horse can have more than one horsepower.
The highest amount of power a horse can produce amounts to ≈ 24-horsepower."
"Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins.
Every 10 minutes dolphins need to come up for air, but sloths can hold their breath for 40 minutes."
"In 1905, an 11-year-old boy invented ice pops. a.k.a. “Popsicles”
11-year-old Frank Epperson left out a wooden stirrer in a cup of water and soda pop overnight. When he discovered it was frozen the next morning, he also discovered the very first ice pop."
"Identical twins do NOT have the same fingerprints.
Contrary to popular belief, identical twins can’t have the same fingerprints because of development factors in the womb.
The rate their fingers grew, their position in the womb, and the length of their umbilical cord all play a factor."
"The Statue of Liberty was once functioning as a lighthouse.
In 1886, the famous statue was a working lighthouse for years. You could see its light from 24-miles away."
"John Quincy Adams once had a pet alligator.
The alligator was gifted to him from a French general, and it lived in one of the bathrooms at the White House."
"Your nose and ears never stop growing."
"Lemons float, while Limes sink.
This is because limes are denser than lemons."
"It takes 90 days for one drop of water to travel the entire Mississippi River."
"What do Comets smell like?
ROTTEN EGGs…because of the ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide."
"British military tanks were designed in a way so that they could make Tea.
If the military crew need any hot boiling water, there’s a built-in boiling vessel to make coffee or tea."
"Nutmeg is a hallucinogen.
If you eat large amounts of nutmeg, you can hallucinate because it contains myristicin which is a mind-altering ingredient."
"During the hot summer, our nails grow faster.
This weird fact about the human body is because of the increased blood flow to our fingertips."
"Out of all the planets, Venus is the only one to Spin CLOCKWISE."
"he circulatory system is more than 60,000 miles long.
Veins, arteries and capillaries…"
"…One weird fact about the human body is that a Child’s circulatory system stretches out to 60,000 miles long.
By the time they’re adults, it stretches out to 100,000 miles of blood vessels."
"Despite their different colors, Fruit Loops are all the SAME flavor."
"Humans are the only animals that blush."
"The earth has so much GOLD that there is enough to coat the planet.
About 99 percent of gold can be found in the earth’s core."
I checked, it's MILLISECONDS. So 4.8 billion years. That's a lot of years.
That's more tan the age of earth, so a lot of years :D
(High School physics experiment).