"Living with roommates. Cannot stand it. I’m fine living with a partner, family, or by myself. But a stranger, no thank you."
"Gambling. I gambled for the first time against my cousins when I was around 13, I lost 100 bucks, that was a lot for me. Never gambled again since lol"
"Sales. I don’t like convincing people they need things, they can decide themselves lol. Don’t want a phone? Thats cool with me.
My boss once questioned why I didn’t try to push an iPhone 14 onto an old man who came in asking for advice on how to use his flip phone, always loved that one.
The only time I ever had good performance was when I got a lucky streak and the customers came in wanting something already."
"Getting into management…no thank you."
"I once tried to be a morning person. We both agreed it wasn’t going to work out."
"Waitressing. I knew instantly I was objectively terrible at it. Quit same day I started."
"Tinder (actually online dating in general)"
"Brazilian wax"
"Manual labor.
My grandfather did construction. One summer he hired me on one of the roofing teams. All it took was one summer running shingles up and down a ladder to convince me to stay in school."
"I’m a bit of an “adventure eater.” I’ll try just about anything. There is one and only one thing I’ve tried that I will never try again:
Sea squirt sashimi. Besides the terrible, innuendo-filled name, the texture is terrible, you have to chew it off the rind, and it tastes like salted @$$hole.
I should have known when the waitress came by, saw my plate and said “Oh, is that sea squirt? I’m gonna stand here and watch you eat it."
"I was shocked at how much I hate weighted blankets. People say so many good things about them! I put it over me, boom, instant claustrophobia. I don’t even have claustrophobia. Except with weighted blankets."
"I put on roller blades, stood up, sat down and took them off. Was going to break my damn neck."
"Horses. They’re beautiful, I rode a very gentle one for a week. But after that week I knew it wasn’t for me. They’re scary"
"The whole dominatrix thing. Went to some femdom dongeon once in my youth. Before, I was always fascinated by it. But after the second stroke of whip, I just said my safety word and left."
"I tried ballroom dancing once and realized my two left feet have a secret pact to avoid any rhythm. I’m better off sticking to dancing like nobody’s watching—because nobody should be"
"Working in retail. No thank you"
"Edibles. Didn’t enjoy having my memory wiped every few minutes."
"I tried scubaa diving once and instantly knew it wasn’t for me too claustrophobic and not enough air!"
"Public speaking."