When a tornado blasted through this area, leaving the wind turbine looking like this:
When a lightning bolt blasted through this guy's truck and lit it on fire (luckily he wasn't inside):
When a mushroom somehow grew through the tile and grout in this person's shower:
And when a banana grew three times the size of what it typically does:
When this UFO-shaped cloud hovered over this city (and scared everyone):
Also, when this storm came across the sky and terrified the people who had to drive by it:
Let's also talk about when this isolated downpour came blasting down from the sky:
When this flower grew this really odd face out of nowhere:
And when this tree grew roots shaped like a human body:
When this scallop had the scariest-looking teeth and tons of tiny blue eyes:
When this patch of mushrooms started growing in a very eery circle for no reason:
And when this snail started circling around this rug right before dying in the middle of it:
When a hurricane did this kind of damage to a bridge:
When lightning struck perfectly down this tree:
And when lightning also perfectly struck the center of this tree:
When the sap coming out of this tree looked exactly like blood:
When a large tree started growing right over someone's tombstone:
When this tree grew roots that look like a monster is attached to it:
And when this tree just grew in this very creepy way:
When these trees grew out of a fallen one:
And, lastly, when Mother Nature decided to mute all of the colors in this sunflower:
And in the case of #1...wrong. Heat wave did that, not a tornado.