"The shadow of that bike looks like a xenomorph"
"My kid’s lunch on a Japan Airlines flight has an egg giraffe and airplane-shaped carrots"
"This sticker on my microwave is telling me to leave the spoon in"
"This dear with a crazy deformity showed up in my brother’s front yard today"
Izismile Videos
"My grandfather’s retirement home has an emotional support skunk that comes in"
"My ice cream lid looks like the earth kinda"
"This vending machine is selling cans of Pepsi for $73 USD each"
""Change Daily" Underwear Instruction."
"I have 1 really long eyebrow hair that always grows back"
"I ordered McDonald’s oatmeal and they gave me packets of oatmeal instead"
"My local theater has a screening room with a playground in it"
"I spilled some milk and the puddle looks like a derpy ghost!"
"My Local Italian Place has a cream dispenser for wiping your butt"
"My banana was red inside"
"Austin airport terminal has Day Of The Dead display celebrating the lives of ground crew who have lost their lives at work."
"I found an Atlas moth today at school"
"Rats steal peanut m&ms and ate only the peanuts"
"All floors look the same"
"My photochromic lenses developed hexagon shaped holes after 10 years of daily use"
"I made tiny records for my daughter’s barbies."
Spraying a soap and alcohol mixture will kill 'm. The spider mites, not the plants.