Fascinating Facts And Curiosities To Blow Your Mind (26 PICS)

Posted in INTERESTING       8 Nov 2024       4033       3 GALLERY VIEW

"Farmers Put Earmuffs On Baby Cows During Winter To Protect Them From Chilling Frostbite"

"Apparently, it’s common for farmers to clothe their calves with specially designed earmuffs to protect their ears from frostbite. The newborn babes are more susceptible to the cold because of their age and size, so they need a little extra help to stay warm in the winter. And not only are the earmuffs incredibly practical, but they’re absolutely adorable as well."


"Tactical K9 Helmets Provides Cranial Protection For Dogs Working In Human Rescue Operations"

"The helmet design offers a stable platform for tactical gear such as cameras, lights, and communication electronics, as well as safety accessories such as detachable ear protection and muzzles."


"Photographer Martin Le-May Captured This Photo Of A Weasel Riding On The Back Of A Green Woodpecker In Hornchurch, Essex (2015)"

"Peyo The Stallion Often Visits Terminally Ill Patients At The Teaching Hospital In Calais France, He Chooses Which Patients To Visit By Knocking His Hoof Outside The Door"

"Scientists are studying Peyo's potential ability to detect cancer in humans and reduce a patient's anxiety. ⁠

⁠Additional brain imaging research has indicated that aspects of Peyo's neurological activity may be unique from other horses. ⁠"


Izismile Videos

"The Bagworm Moth Caterpillar Is An Exceptional Architect In The Animal Kingdom, They Build Their Houses And Carry It Along With Them Everywhere They Go"

"Photographer Scott Taylor Accidentally Captured An ‘Angry Bird’ In Real Life"

"The photographer was taking pictures of colorful birds at his parents’ backyard when he noticed a cardinal at the feeder, His camera captured a moment in which the cardinal’s wings are tucked tightly into its body, making the bird look like a fluffy red ball floating in midair."


"The Body Structure Of A Beluga Whale Makes It Look Like It Has Legs"

"The outline of symmetrical bones protruding from their underbellies creates an illusion that probably baffled many sailors in the early days of nautical discovery. When these whales swim, their fat pads are often tensed in order to maintain balance, which causes them to protrude outward and resemble knees."


"Butterflies Drink The Tears Of Turtles, Caimans, Alligators And Crocodiles As A Source Of Salt (Sodium) And Other Minerals As A Source Of Nutrition"

"These animals’ tears are not the only source of salts for butterflies; the insects also readily get salt from animal urine, muddy river banks, puddles, sweaty clothes and sweating people."



"This Is What A Flying Fish Look Like Up Close"

"They propel themselves out of water at speeds more than 56 km/h. Once in the air, their rigid “wings” allow them to glide for up to 200 meters. Their winglike pectoral fins are primarily for gliding."


"Windows 10 Wallpaper Wasn’t Cgi. The Logo Was Physically Built And Photographed"

"Microsoft enlisted the help of creative director Bradley G. Munkowitz who assembled a team at a photography studio in San Francisco to shoot images showing the Windows logo created by shining a projector through a pane of glass. The crew used lasers, haze, projectors, flares, and a special camera mapping technique."


"In 2020, An Italian Man Walked 450km To Cool Off After He Had An Argument With His Wife"

"Police spotted the 48-year-old man in Fano and stopped him because it was already 2 am and way past curfew. The man had already walked for a week after leaving his home in Como, which is in the north of Italy near the Swiss border.

“I came here on foot, I didn’t use any transport,” the man said. “Along the way, I met people who offered me food and drink. I’m OK, just a bit tired.”

He averaged 60 kilometers a day during his epic walk."


"The World’s Loneliest House, Situated On Ellidaey Island, A Remote Island South Of Iceland"

"Probably an introvert’s dream, this small island is part of Vestmannaeyjar, an archipelago of 15 to 18 islands. Today, the island is deserted, but it was once inhabited by five families

The Five families who lived there relied on fishing, hunting puffins, and raising cattle. By the 1930s, however, the last remaining residents had left the island for good, and it’s been unpopulated ever since."



"Penguins’ Mouths Contain Pronounced Growths Called Papillae Which Look Like Sharp Spines"

"These spines cover the tongue and base, and roof of the mouth. They’re made from relatively soft keratin - the same structure that makes up human nails and hair - and they aren’t especially sharp. The papillae help grip food and direct it into the mouth."


"Rabbits Fighting Midair Captured By Photographers Takayuki And Mora Nakamura, Who Live In Kumamoto, On The Island Of Kyushu, Japan"

"The professional photographers known as uta on X app, expertly captured a series of photographs that feature an epic rabbit battle. They compared the moment to a scene right out of the popular fighting anime and manga series.

The pictures show the two bunnies suspended midair as they execute aerial punches, kicks, and flips against their opponents. From the looks of the exchange, one rabbit seems to emerge the clear victor after landing what appears to have been an impressive side kick. And the snapshots couldn’t have been more perfectly timed to immortalize the energetic exchange."


"Bears On Cr*ck Is The Term Given To Bears That Invade People’s Home In Florida And Yes, Bears Are Known To Be “Chill”"

"Bears are normally shy, retiring animals that have very little desire to interact with humans. Unless they are forced to be around humans to be near a food source, they usually choose to avoid us. They are also solitary by nature preferring to live alone and only interact for breeding."


"In 2008, Frank Bourassa, A Car Mechanic, Decided He Would Single-Handedly Make His Own Money Instead Of Working For It"

"He dedicated the next year and a half to learning how to manufacture American bills, by himself.

He was able source the paper from a German paper company, and initially told them he wanted to print bonds, but gradually asked for small modifications to the design until he had Andrew Jackson’s face and a small security strip reading “USA TWENTY”. The company complied and he received the custom bills, set up a print shop (location still unknown), and printed $250 million dollars himself.

Frank sold $50 million worth of his bills, got busted, and got let off with no jail time by surrendering the remaining $200 million counterfeit bills. He remains one of the greatest counterfeiters of all time"



"This Razer Gaming Headset Saved The Life Of 18-Year-Old Gamer Jonathan Gonzalez By Stopping A Stray Bullet That Came Through His Window While He Was Gaming"

"Razer sent Gonzalez a brand new headset after learning of the incident. (2022)."


"The Gap Between Usain Bolt And Other Runners When He Broke The World Record For 100m With A Record Time Of 9.69 At The Beijing Olympics In 2008"

"He even slowed down and celebrated before crossing the finish line.

The win saw various scientists trying to predict his time had he run full throttle all the way to the finish line."


"In Shandong China, A Mentally Challenged Farmer Built This 7-Story Building With His Bare Hands With The Aim Of Having Him And His Deceased Brothers Live Together, Despite Being Told Repeatedly By Villagers His Brothers Had Long Passed Away"

"He spent 10 years building the house.

The building was constructed by Chinese farmer Hu Guangzhou, 55, to house his brothers, whom – if the villagers’ reports are to be believed – passed away a decade ago. Hu allegedly insists his brothers are still alive and will one day return to live in the home.

Crafted from a resourceful mixture of wood, stones, bricks and clay, the home has taken 10 years to construct and now stands at a staggering seven floors."


"Striped Mackerel Are Filter Feeders Opening Their Cavernous Mouths As They Swim And Sieving Zooplankton From The Water With Their Gill Rakers Acting Like A Net"


"A Tiger’s Tongue Is So Coarse, It Can Lick Flesh Down To The Bone"

"A tiger’s tongue has small, sharp, thorn-like protuberances called “papillae”. Papillae are small, hard, hooked bumps that cover the entire tongue of the tiger. These papillae make the tongue so rugged and rough, if a tiger licks you a couple of times, it may scrape off your skin and lead to bleeding. It also helps tigers to tear the flesh and feathers off their prey’s body. Also, the more a tiger rolls up its tongue, the sharper is the lick."


"“Too Much Love” - A Photoseries By Katja Kemnitz That Shows How Kids Overuse Toys"

"The series features combined images of the toys when new and after being loved and used.

This excellent series by the German photographer, who inspired by her daughter, decided to document the lives of children’s plushies by photographing them before and after dozens of hours of hugs, kisses, wear and tear."


"A Farmer Spraying Milk At Police During The Protest Against The Declining Price Of Milk Outside EU Headquarters (2009)"

"A University Of Waterloo Engineering Student’s 1st Year Versus 2nd Year ID"


"Engraved Zippo Lighters Carried By American Soldiers In Vietnam In World War II"

"In World War II, the Zippo was the soldier’s friend, providing dependability for fire whether lighting a cigarette or explosives.

During the Vietnam War, the Zippo served the same utilitarian purpose, but was often personalized for soldiers by local street vendors in villages. GI’s could choose from any number of preset graphics and words, or they could design or write their own."


"This Is What The Bottom (Underside) Of A Sawfish Looks Like"

"The underside of sawfish contain nostrils, gills, and a mouth housing thousands of dome shaped teeth which are used to crush the small species of fish and crabs they prey on"



Credits:  www.instagram.com

Campbell 2 month s ago
#19 I think that he read Harry Potter and was trying to re-create The Burrow.
Epaphroditius 2 month s ago
#12 please let me live there

#21 goes for cats in general
Karon 2 month s ago
#12 looks lovely.





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