"My brother made a perfect pancake today"
"Hairbrush broke and revealed weird hair formation inside"
"This Georgian globe was assembled incorrectly"
"Tiny perfect tomato I grew"
Izismile Videos
"Every single Oreo in my package came with the bottoms flipped the wrong way"
"These popcorn bags with no air space"
"I drove by a mcdonald’s with a blue sign instead of a red one."
"Chopsticks from local takeout have United Airlines logo on them"
"These tomatoes growing out of the bottom of a Burger King trash can"
"My bread loaf from the store contains two bread loaves baked on top of each other"
"Shoes exploded at a funeral"
"The hotel I stayed at had a “anything anytime” button"
"I found a "mile high" pilot wings pin in my grandmother's effects."
"Street light matches sunset perfectly"
"This Italian restaurant does not serve pasta on Sundays"
"Snow fell off a tree and ‘snowballed’"
"Ecuador USD coins are magnetic, and US ones are not"
"A bear in my backyard today …"
"How the snow accumulates on the inside of my rim"
"Heterochromatic dog's pupils reflect different colors!"
Sounds like Grandma was fun back in the day...