“Put my barefoot in my slipper and felt something inside. I assumed it was a moth and stepped outside to shake it out. It was this wolf spider about the size of a ping pong ball. Luckily I didn’t smush it, but man it was not pleasant.”
“Guy took a turn a bit too fast with the forks raised and this is the result.”
“My bathroom window spontaneously broke while i wasn’t home and my landlord probably thinks I’m stupid.”
“Gave my younger brother my laptop so he could watch a movie on Netflix, here’s how he returned it an hour later.”
Izismile Videos
“All this candy and not a single trick-or-treater.”
“Opened at 1:06pm. Laid off at 2:30pm.”
“Been feeding my dog these tablets bought off Amazon. Today received an email that they are counterfeit… dogs been vomiting, now we know why… We’re taking him to the vet.”
“First halloween as an adult, no one came :(“
“So films purchased on apple app on Xbox only watchable on apple devices..”
“Lesson learned: don’t leave your wallet out with kids and scissors around.”
“My son partied too hard at school before Trick or Treating.”
“Poor little guy was just trying to do his job.”
“As I opened the door it just exploded”
“One of my most prized possessions, a vintage porcelain cat, got knocked off a table and shattered at the beginning of my relationship with my boyfriend. He looked for ages, and for my birthday this year got me another one of the exact same figurine. I opened the box and it had broken in transit :’)”
“I spent 3 weeks making a mask for my office Halloween contest and I couldn’t participate because I got stuck in a customer meeting.”
“The bakery department tossed seven different types of unproofed dough into the composting bin overnight…”
“Left for 10 minutes, 6 year old cousin decided to help.”
"When your oven door says F@#K it! Welcome to another week of unfortunate mishaps that life threw at people."
#10 Undermount Sinks has got to be the dumbest new trend.
#22 that little hole and he fit thru it?
#26 Why climb into the rafters? Your seat would have been more comfortable and provided an unobstructed view.
#32 what king of moron puts a plastic cutting board inside an oven?
That's happened to the element in my oven twice, it takes a couple minutes to fix (one screw and unplug/plug a wire). On a stove top it's even easier, just pull the element and plug in the replacement (my oven element was maybe $25).