“Box Jellyfish are not only the most venomous jellies to humans, but they also possess at least 24 functional eyes (of various degree) on its body despite having no centralized brain. Four of its eyes always peer up out of the water regardless of the animal’s body position; some eyes can make out images, others are more primitive.”
"The very last sense you lose before dying is your hearing. This means that you just may hear them ‘call it’ if they can’t bring you back."
“There is a genetic disease called fibrodisplaysia ossificans progresiva. When tissue is damaged, it is replaced with bone. Growths form underneath their skin and their joints lock solid So over time those affected slowly become encased in a prison of bone just beneath their own skin.”
"Hundreds of people die every year by being strangled by their own bed sheets in their sleep."
“Over 90% of Serial Killers choose their victims through sexual desire. In fact, many serial killers have been caught because they returned to the body of their victims to masturbate.”
"There is a lot of bacteria in cheese. If they all decided to move in the same direction at once, the cheese itself would be able to move quite a considerable distance in one day."
"The most common place to find a dead body? The toilet. This is because a lot of people tend to think that they have some sort of bowel issue before dying."
"Viruses and bacteria can be frozen for millions and millions of years and still wreak havoc if they thaw out and make contact with humans or animals."
"Human eyes dont reflect light the same way animal eyes do. Think about that the next time you’re walking through the woods at night! (Not that we’d really be doing that anyway…)"
"The Chankiri Tree is a tree in the Cambodian Killing Fields against which babies and small children were bashed after their parents had been killed."
"There exists a condition in which people who suffer from it simply believe that they are already dead. It’s known as Cotard’s syndrome."
"Cadaver dogs can smell bodies through waters like lakes and rivers."
"People who have survived bear attacks have said that they could hear their teeth scraping against their skulls."
"Cannibals claim that the palm is the tastiest part of a human."
If this is the first you've heard of this kind of behavior, study some history. This atrocity has been common for many thousands of years.
We never would have known.