This person whose cabin's water valve was not shut off for the winter:
This person whose carport couldn't hold up 16 inches of snow:
This person who lost their keys somewhere in all this snow:
This person who could only get out of their driveway by climbing:
This person who left their door open during a blizzard:
This person whose pipes burst in the dead of winter:
This person who slipped on black ice, which ended in catastrophe:
This driver who might've been driving too fast on the icy streets:
This person whose moonroof was ruined by a hailstorm:
These tenants who were living in this building when its water pipes burst:
This person whose first house could not handle the amount of snow that piled on it:
This person who slipped on black ice and landed on their $400 camera lens:
This train passenger who finally got to their stop:
This parent whose kids forgot to close the door:
These apartment residents whose cars were parked under a grate in the parking garage while it snowed:
This person whose car fell victim to a giant piece of hail:
This person who looked for their car after a blizzard:
And lastly, this kid whose basketball got stuck in a frozen hoop: