"I don't know who this guy voted for, but I know he's an inconsiderate buttface for being on his computer an entire movie screening"
This dad seriously wore this shirt on a daddy/daughter date:
And Mr. Charm here wore this totally appropriate T-shirt to a family-friendly event:
It's fine...this is just who we are now...and I, for one, welcome our new asshole overlords:
The customer who left this for his waitress instead of a tip has definitely typed "Your body, my choice" online:
And this person who keeps tossing her dog's poop bags:
There are people out there who just want to watch the world burn, like this jerk who took a box cutter to a roll of toilet paper:
And the classy individuals who made this sign necessary:
Then there are people who couldn't care less about anyone else on the planet — like this guy eating pistachios on the subway:
This cousin asking for money on the most inappropriate day possible:
And this monster who took one bite out of each of these glorious donuts:
Others just fall into the "I hate people" category, like this "funny guy" who deserves a lifetime ban from bowling alleys...and everywhere else, TBH:
These sociopaths trying to cut in at the last moment:
And this boss who hasn't a clue how to treat an employee:
And this person who ate pizza and played video games at the same time:
Things are only going to get worse, because people are having kids who absolutely shouldn't be..like these bad "tippers":
These people who are seriously sending this kid out into the world with this name:
And this parent who is not off to a good start:
Please send them all back behind their own borders to sort themselves out.
You're not fooling anyone. You love Russians. You secretly want to kill Ukrainian civilians. I know exactly who you are.
What’s next…you gonna shoot a school up before blowing your own head off? Isn’t that the usual course of action for you hate-filled leftwing nut jobs?
Shoot a school up? Everybody does that. russians in Ukraine mostly, but also Americans and various jihadists. And lets’s not forget the israelis in Gaza.
But in Europe, when a school is shot up, it’s the russians.
Being disgusted by the russians is not a leftist thing, though. In western Europe pretty much everyone dislike russians.
The North Koreans on the other hand, seems to like russia. What does that tell you?