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Izismile Videos
"Landlord Hired A Guy To Power Wash The Stairs"
"People Who Leave Perishable Food In Store Shelves"
"My Boyfriend Throws His Empty Water Bottles Behind The Bed"
"People Who Constantly Block The Isles Of Stores To Stand Around And Chat"
"You Shouldn’t Shop If You Can’t Return Your Carts In Designated Areas And Leave It Near Disabled Parking"
"Someone In Denver Blocked The Platte River Trail Today With Their Car"
"This Guy Ignored No Entry Sing And Drove On Wooden Pier, Because He Was Too Lazy To Carry Stuff On His Dolly. Pier Has To Be Closed For Structural Inspection"
"I Collect Carts At Walmart. Please Stop Being Lazy And Return Your Cart To Where It Belongs"
"If You Do This, Screw You. Walk Back To The Cooler"
"Why Are Loud Video/Speaker Phone Calls Now A Spectator Sport In Public?"
"I'm Going To Open The Store And I Find This. You Have To Be An Idiot"
"Nothing Like A Smashed Toilet In The Middle Of The Sidewalk To Remind Me What A Lovely Neighbourhood I Live In"
"A Customer Tried It On Their Dog And Put It Back On The Shelf"
"Refilled The Soap, Boss"
German here.
We have a little slot in a shopping cart.
if you put 1€ in the slot can you open a lock.
To get the money back, you have to lock the cart to the "cart stable".
It's always tidy - also in counties with conservative governors...
Dutchie here.
We had the same carts but the shops decided to get rid of it. People still return their cart to the "cart stable"
And yes there are always people who can't be bothered bringing them back.
more dutchie here. a lot of shops will/would hand out metal or plastic substitutes for coins so you wouldn't have to use real money to get the cart. People would still return the carts.