Heartwarming Holiday Tales That Will Melt Your Heart (50 PICS)

Posted in PICTURES       28 Dec 2024       3410       3 GALLERY VIEW
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"Before My Grandma Passed Away Last Year, She Gave Me All Her Yarn And Crochet Hooks. I’ve Been Trying To Find Creative Ways To Use Her Yarn - Just Finished Making This Tiny Christmas Tree In Her Memory"

"My 61-Year Old Fil Hasn't Gotten A Toy For Christmas In 50 Years, Happily Putting Together A LEGO Logging Tractor"

"My Sister Is Blind. This Year I’m Making Her Christmas Wrap Tactile With Puffy Paint!"

"I Think My Dad Is Happy With His Xmas Gift"

Izismile Videos

"Christmas Eve Last Year Was Our Last Fertility Treatment. We Were Out Of Money And Hope. Now I Get To Spend Christmas As A Dad With This Chunk"

"A Christmas Miracle"

"Today a lovely Redditor posted that they had a spare ticket to the ballet and gave it to me when I messaged them.

This would be a kind and awesome thing on any day but I’ve wanted to see the Nutcracker ballet since I was a little girl and it’s just not something I could justify spending the money on.

Well I hopped on a bus up to the west end in London and my inner child lit up with joy

If you see this please know you made my entire year"


"I Got This Text From My Mom While She And My Dad Were Out Doing Some Last Minute Christmas Shopping"


"My Disability Has Meant That I've Never Been Able To Style My Own Hair Because I Can Only Reach My Head With One Hand. For Christmas My Dad Got Me A Special Set Of Bayliss Curlers That I Can Use One-Handed. Independence Feels So Good"

"As A Teen In The 80s, My Conservative God-Fearing Family Wouldn't Let Me Own Dungeons & Dragons. Thirty Years Later, My Son And I Are Starting Our D & D Journey"

"When You Get Each Other The Same Thing For Christmas"

"I Bought A Sewing Machine For Xmas And Made This Shirt! I’m Hooked!"


"Every Year, This Kind Old Man In My Home Town Offers Clothing, Shoes And Anything Useful To Anyone In Need"

"My Son Had A Speaking Part In A Play At His School Despite Speech Issues!"

"My son is in the 4th grade now, and he’s had speech issues since he first started speaking that were severe enough to require an IEP at school, along with +5 years of Speech Therapy after school.

This interfered with his confidence quite a bit, as one could imagine. His dad and I always felt like we had to “translate” whenever he was talking to someone! And he has worked SO unbelievably hard to overcome these issues, but he definitely still struggles from time to time when he’s talking too fast and stuff.

Despite all of this, he decided that he wanted a speaking part in this year’s Christmas Musical at his school! I was so nervous that he wouldn’t talk clearly enough for the audience to understand- but holy s**t he impressed me SOOO much!!!! I never would have imagined him being able to do something like this, and it was absolutely incredible!"


"For Christmas This Year My 89 Year Old Dad Gave His 90 Year Old Girlfriend These Reindeer Pajamas And Stuffed Pooh Bear. They Both Lost Their Long Time Spouses In The Last Few Years But Found Each Other. They’re So Happy. I Think This Photo Captures A Little Bit Of Amazing Joy They Find In Life"

"Here Is My Son. Born Blind, Two Cornea Transplants Later Driving His Car (Xmas Present) For The First Time. Could Not Get Him Off Of It"


"My Brother Passed Away The Weekend After Thanksgiving Leaving A 4 Year Old Behind. The People At The Dealership He Worked At Donated All These Gifts To My Nephew. Truly Amazing People"

"We Were Too Poor To Buy A Christmas Tree So We Built One With Branches"

"This was many years ago but my dad had been laid off work and we just didn’t have money to buy a tree. They never told me that we were struggling financially, they just made me believe it was a fun bonding activity instead of being “lazy” and buying a tree. So we went to our nearby park, collected some branches and spray painted it lol. This was hands down my favorite Christmas and I’ll never forget it. I love my parents."


"Im An Animal Shelter Vet Tech And Got To Spend Christmas With My Friend Harley"

"I Planned A Christmas Surprise For My Parents, It Went Better Than I Could Have Hoped"


"10 Week Old Baby Hospitalized Over Christmas So Our Nurse Tracked Down A Santa For His First Picture"

"Romeo And His Reindeer! This Was Part Of Romeo’s Xmas Gift. He Loves It So Much He Refuses To Part With It! He’s My Heart And Soul, My Best Buddy!"

"I’ve Had Nearly A Month Of 80hr Work Weeks. I Confiding In My Dad That I Felt Bad I Hadn’t Created A Space For My Kids That Was Festive And Fun For Christmas Because I Was Exhausted"

"I came home yesterday and he’d worked from 11-5 hanging up lights. I don’t deserve him, I love him so much."


"Last Year Mom Passed Away After A Long Battle With Cancer. For This Year Christmas Tree My Sister's Husband Gifted This Decoration With Her And My Dog. I Hope They Are In A Better Place Now"


"My First Solo Christmas Tree"

"This might be very off topic, but this sub feels like home and I just thought it'd be the best place to share something that feels very important to me :D

Decorating our huuuge Christmas tree was always a big big family thing during my childhood, and I loved it. It filled me with joy. When I moved out of my parent's house, I tried to build the same tradition with my now ex-boyfriend, but it was never quite the same. We recently broke up, I came out as a lesbian, and my life has changed so much in the past few months. It hasn't been easy, and I thought that decorating my small Christmas tree by myself for the first time of my life was going to be difficult. It wasn't. I listened to Christmas songs the whole time, and I felt incredibly happy. I'm really grateful for this little space of mine "



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Credits:  www.boredpanda.com

Britt 1 month ago
so. much. reddit trash.
Rissa 1 month ago

Happy holidays to you too, Grinch!
Denise 1 month ago
#38 cracked me up. Nothing wrong with that, enjoy your horse, just seemed misplaced with all these other posts of people struggling





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