"Corpse medicine was a form of medicinal practice that took place in the 16th and 17th centuries. It was widely believed that the human body contained everything needed to cure people.
For example, bandages soaked in human fat would be used to ‘cure’ wounds. This died out by the 18th century, thankfully!"
"In an instance known as ‘mud-puddling,’ butterflies will lap up human blood if given the chance."
"The nails of a sloth aren’t nails at all, but are actually bones pertruding from their skin, wrapped in a keratin layer."
"Space is terrifyingly cold. Imagine being in an infinitely deep, dark, lonely void at minus 270.45 degrees Celsius or minus 453.8 degrees Fahrenheit."
Izismile Videos
"Speaking of space, if you were to somehow lose your spacesuit, you would black out in 15 seconds, and be dead in 90."
"While hippos can’t swim or breathe underwater, they can gallop at high speeds on river beds and jump out in terrifying fashion when hunting."
"5,000 lightyears away, there is a rogue black hole that is 7 times larger than the sun."
"Scientists believe that it would take less than 4 days for a human body to skeletoninze in deep waters."
"Approximately 20% of children report hearing voices in their heads."
"Thomas Hargrove, a homicide archivist, believes that there are approximately 2,000 active serial killers at large right now. That’s active serial killers. F***!"
"There are around 40 known supervolcanoes around the world that, if they erupt, could kill over a billion people."
"Some lakes and rivers in the Southern United States are home to a brain-eating amoeba that enters through the nose."
"A person who is fully healthy can die out of nowhere due to something known as Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome."
"In a single kiss there are over 80,000,000 bacteria transferred between mouths."
"About 1 in 50 people in the United States currently have a brain aneurysm that just hasn’t ruptured."
And one of them is under Yellowstone National Park, enjoy your vacation...
Yellowstone has gotten more active as well
and that's not even a big one