"Prader-Willi Syndrome is a disorder that causes the constant feeling of hunger. People have died from over-eating due to this."
"During WWI, some soldiers were shot for ‘showing cowardice.’ It’s now believed that what they were likely showing, were signs of PTSD."
"When Einstein died, his brain was removed during his autopsy. The brain was then stolen. When it was finally found, it had been cut into over 200 pieces."
"In 2006, an earthquake in Italy killed 309 people. 6 scientists were charged with manslaughter because they didn’t predict it."
“There is a conspiracy theory that Egyptian treasures and tunnels were found in the Grand Canyon in 1909 and subsequently covered up by the Smithsonian. The area in question has numerous Egyptian landmark names and is currently off-limits to all hikers.”
"In 2005, a model assaulted Leonardo DiCaprio with a bottle at an afterparty, breaking it over his head. She served 2 years in prison."
"It’s been proven that using GPS drastically affects your ability to form mental maps and process spatial data and memories."
"Alligators can climb trees."
"Malaria is estimated to have been respoinsible for the deaths of over half of people who ever lived."
"As a baby, Jackie Chan was nearly sold to a wealthy British family because his family was so poor."
"The Inca people had a goddess of potatoes."
"In Sweden, Monty Python’s Life of Brian was marketed as “So funny, it was banned in Norway.”"
“The shortest St Patrick’s Day parade in the world takes place in the Irish village of Dripsey, Cork. The parade lasts just 100 yards and travels between the village’s two pubs.”