This tiny little creature the size of a penny is one of the deadliest creatures on Earth:
It's called Malo kingi, aka the "common kingslayer," a jellyfish that's one of the most venomous animals on the planet. It is named after an American tourist, Robert King, who died after being stung by the animal.
This is what velcro looks like under an electron microscope:
This is what the inside of a 1970s spacesuit looked like:
This is a pepperbox pistol, a type of firearm that could have as many as 24 barrels:
Speaking of strange guns, Saddam Hussein was the owner of a gold-plated AK-47:
This is what a typical day of air travel over Europe looks like:
This is what a "9 out of 10 difficulty level" puzzle looks like:
This is what a Hoover Dam spillway tunnel looks like. Check out the tiny, tiny walkway on top:
The spillways are there to make sure water doesn't go over the dam. The tunnel is 50 feet wide and 600 feet long and totally not the stuff of nightmares.
This is what a movie theater undergoing some heavy-duty seat cleaning looks like:
A group of Japanese samurai visited the Great Sphinx of Giza in 1864:
They were part of a Japanese embassy to Europe. I know what you're all thinking: If only they could have been there 2,500 years earlier and helped the Pharaoh Psamtik III stop the Persian invasion of the Two Lands. SMH!
This is what a suit of elephant armor looked like:
This particular set dates back to 16th-century India. If I was a soldier and saw this coming at me, I think I'd just turn around and pack it in.
This is Marie Curie riding in her mobile X-ray van, designed to treat wounded soldiers on the go during World War I:
Fans... fans can be very, very big:
This is how many hearing aid batteries a nursing home goes through in a month:
Here are some of the rejected designs for the Eiffel Tower:
Infrared cameras can spot different layers of paint:
The Vasa Museum in Stockholm, Sweden is home to an almost completely preserved 17th-century warship:
The ship sank in 1628 and was salvaged from Stockholm Harbor in 1961. Look how big it is!
This is Louise Joy Brown, the first baby ever born after IVF, or in vitro fertilisation:
Here's what Louise looks like today:
Square fire extinguishers exist:
And, finally, if you win a car on The Price Is Right you get a special little license plate cover: