“There is a black hole called Phoenix a, and it is estimated to be 100 billion times the mass of our Sun, comparable to the mass of an entire galaxy. Its event horizon is 590 billion kilometers wide, or more than 100 times the distance from the Sun to Pluto, or about 1/16 of a lightyear wide.”
"If you didn’t have stomach acid, then an octopus could successfully crawl through your mouth and out your butt with minimal effort."
"Sharks have two penises in case one of them gets torn off during intercourse."
“While on a hunting excursion, two adolescents saw and removed a dead armadillo. The armadillo’s blood got on his boots, which he wiped with his bare hands. This proved to be a near-fatal error, as the armadillo became infected with the bacteria that causes leprosy. He had to have surgery to remove damaged sections of his body.”
“Spiders, one of the most evolutionary advanced species on the planet. We keept killing them, they began to get better at hiding. They can also convince us we have killed them when we haven’t. Rain doesn’t destroy their webs, not even a pressured hose does anymore.
Also forgot to mention, they can do nothing, sleep all day and wake up to find food in their webs. They do not need to hunt or attack like almost every animal.”
“The first known human cannibal was a Neanderthal whose victims’ 100,000-year-old bones were discovered in Moula-Guercy, a cave in France.
There have been sites where the act has occurred involving the cannibalism of children leading some to speculate the act was not just done for food, but that it was done as a warning to rivals.
Some anthropologists suggest that cannibalism was common in human societies as early as the Paleolithic.”
“Back in 2010 all of Mexico was obsessed with the case of little Paulette Gerbara, a 4 year old girl who disappeared. It was then found out that she was below her mattress. The most disturbing part is that all the interviews made to her family were done on her bed.”
“The fact that we can only observe 5% of the universe is astonishing. The remaining 95% is a mystery, and we don’t really know what it is. What makes it creepy is that dark matter and dark energy are not confined to distant corners of the universe; they are present everywhere, including here on Earth, and interact with us all the time.”
"If you cut out little live pieces of brain and nurture it correctly, it could grow eyes."
"The average adult human can swallow a liter of blood before triggering a visceral reaction (vomiting)."
"Your jaw has the ability to bite down so hard on your own finger that it would snap it like a baby carrot. However, your brain won’t allow you to do it. Thankfully."
"The ashes that you receive when a loved one passes mostly consists of crushed up bones as everything else gets incinerated."
“Anyone heard of teratomas? They’re tumors that grow in your body that can be made of many different types of cells around your body, including brain cells. They also often grow hair, teeth, and even eyeballs.”
“There’s a research facility in Tennessee, often referred to as the “Body Farm,” where human decomposition is studied. Donated bodies are left outside in various conditions to observe how they break down over time. This research helps in forensic investigations.”
“In rare cases, if a pregnant woman passes away and her body decomposes, gases can build up and force a fetus out in an event called postmortem fetal extrusion or “coffin birth.”