"My city held a contest to name our leaf trucks"
"Four years of friction on the chains that hold up my punching bag"
"Ivy on a telephone pole that makes it look like a tree"
"The "Crashed Zero" I gave to my buddy for his fish tank looks more realistic the longer it's submerged"
Izismile Videos
"My younger brother's science class has an AI generated image on the wall"
"The bedsheets in government hospitals (of Kerala) have the day printed on them to ensure they are changed daily."
"Selective permeability barrier to stop cars, but let cyclists and pedestrians through."
"The hood of this car appears damaged when viewed through polarizing sunglasses"
"My child's 9yo friend began going gray when he was 5."
"Stacked muffin containers blur your vision"
"Panama Canal at night, the lights on the sea are boats waiting for their turn to go through."
"My sock only has one chicken that is a different color"
"The purple in my purple sprouting broccoli came off"
"The tennis balls that fell between two barriers in my university court form a neat normal distribution."
"My local pizza place puts a target on the bottom of their boxes so you can reuse them for target practice."
"There’s a dead moth in my Cadbury’s chocolate"
"There's a piece of plastic inside my chocolate"
"I found a strange bug with what looks like eggs on it’s back"
"The inside of a Coca-Cola Freestyle showing the flavor cartridges"
"These potato slices visually demonstrate the temperature gradient of the flat-top grill"
Polarizing filter...