“When i was about 12 i was sleeping on my trampoline with a friend and we heard the bushes move behind us and flashed our flashlight to the bushes and a mountain lion was laying there stalking us, i have never ran so fast in my life.”
“When I was serving my time as an engineer in the merchant navy we used to have to clean out what are called “sea chests”; they’re basically big filters for sea water that we would pump in to use as coolant and if the pumps were on when we were dock side we’d find all sorts of things like bottles, fish, crabs etc.
One day we opened up the chest, pulled out the filter and immediately saw this gold shiny thing which turned out to be a rolex watch. Usually we’d just dump out the filter but with the mitigating circumstances we went through it thoroughly and found a piece of a shirt with cufflink still attached and last but not least a nicely rotted finger.”
“One random night in middle school I woke up and had the odd feeling that something or someone was present in the house and coming towards my room. I was scared so I closed my eyes to pretend to be asleep. I could faintly hear something come in my room and it felt like someone was standing over me, looking to make sure I was asleep. I laid on my back, eyes shut, until the feeling passed, and ended up falling asleep.
I woke up in the morning to find out that our house was robbed.”
“Well dressed 50 something business dude on a quiet Chicago L train reading a Wall Street Journal. Pretty woman with long curly hair dozing in the seat in front of him, her hair dangling behind the seat. The guy is rubbing and playing with her hair while reading his paper so I figure she’s his wife or girlfriend who just wanted some space to nap. He is now intently rubbing and fondling her hair and not reading anymore. Suddenly she snaps awake and pulls in her hair like a bug was in it or something. She gets off at the next stop, he continues reading. They didn’t know each other at all.”
Izismile Videos
“I once had a homeless man in a library tell me that he could “pick me up and carry me away and no one would hear me scream.” Thank God his buddy standing next to him told him, “hey man…relax…” Needless to say I got the hell out of there.”
“My boyfriend in college sat bolt upright in his sleep and said “don’t look, if you make eye contact with it, it will kill us both.” Then he fell back down, still asleep. Damn near peed myself.”
“About 40 years ago, I was working on a construction site that was very limited on space. We had to put our materials on top of a hill about a quarter of a mile up a dirt road. It turns out that the hillside was a body farm. Dead bodies were laid out on the hillside under different conditions to watch the decay process for the forensic lab on the college campus.”
“I was at work years ago on a smoke break. I saw a cool-looking black boot over near the taller grass. So I meandered over there to pick it up and it was a dead body. Freaked my sh#t out. After all was said and done my work paid for me to go to therapy and insisted on it.”
“When I was maybe 6-7 we were visiting family in New Orleans. I was sleeping in a strange room, strange bed, so I was having trouble getting to sleep. I heard a tapping on the window, softly. Tap-tap-tap pause tap-tap-tap. I looked at the window and I thought I saw something move that looked like a brimmed hat. It was a split level home, so whoever it was would have had to have been tall.
I woke up my parents and they told me the house was old with wooden floors that creak, and I was imagining things so go back to bed. In the morning, we found the back gate lock was broken.”
“I used to work at a store that sold clocks. One day a woman came in to return a clock that she’d bought. I asked what was wrong with it, and she said, “you’re not going to believe me, but it runs backwards”. “Let me see,” I said, and put some fresh batteries in it. Sure as hell, the thing ran backwards.
I gave her a refund and she was very thankful. She turned to leave and the second she left the store, the clock started running normally.”
“In my 20’s I used to see a man. He was always in my peripheral and never in direct line of sight. I’d see him at work or at the store while buying groceries, always public places. Every time I’d try to look at him he’d disappear. This went on for many years to the point where I just ignored him being there. I never felt like he was bad/evil. He’d just stand there looking at me.
Finally one day I was at home getting something out of my car and I caught a glimpse of him standing in the street I front of my house. I kept him in my peripheral and I remember saying “I don’t know what you want, but you’re not welcome here”. He was gone and I’ve only seen him maybe twice since. I’m 43 now and this freaks me out typing this.”
“My great grandmother was in a nursing home after losing her mind. One day she started freaking out, screaming that “he shot himself, there’s blood everywhere” etc for half an hour so they called my great aunt to tell her that her mom was having an episode and they were adjusting her medication or whatever. Later we all found out that my uncle shot himself earlier in the day during a fight with his girlfriend.”
“Was driving around on a foggy late night and saw someone riding a white horse in a old red military uniform. Did a u turn and couldn’t find the rider.”
“i was on a bus going home; the bus was mostly empty, no one was sitting behind me.
I heard a voice behind me saying “I see you”, and “I’m here”, but the was no one there. I’ve tried making sense of it, was I going mad? was I possessed? it’s a thought that still haunts me today.”
“I was sleeping next to my husband when I awoke in the middle of the night to the smell of cigarette smoke. Neither of us smoked. I stayed still and glanced around the dark bedroom and saw the glowing tip of a cigarette light up a sillouette of a man standing in our bedroom. Just standing there, watching us sleep, smoking his cigarette.
I was spooning my husband at the time so I whispered “There is someone in the room with us.” He jumped out of bed, naked, and chased this guy back out through the window he came in through and halfway down the block before losing him.The BTK Strangler was still active in our town at the time and we wondered if that was possibly an encounter with him.”