"Aldous Huxley, the author of Brave New World, took LSD before he died and he passed away tripping."
"The Netherlands voted to have the word “Swaffelen” as their word of the year back in 08. What does it mean? It’s when someone repeatedly smacks their penis against something."
"Crows are monogamous. They raise families together and help each other raise their young ones."
"Between 1920 and 2000, the man hours required to produce a ton of steele reduced by a factor of 1000."
Izismile Videos
"Paris has a grocery store named “Thanksgiving” that sells US foods like Pop Tarts and Skippy Peanut Butter!"
"There exists a pub called ‘The Old Forge” in a town in the Scottish Highlands that is so isolated that no roads connect the village to the rest of the country. Travellers have to hike 17 miles through rough terrain and then take a 7-mile ferry ride to get to the pub."
"For the first 22 years of its history, Georgia banned all lawyers from the colony. Founder James Oglethorpe denounced them as a ‘pest and scourge of mankind.’"
"Despite the fact that The Pied Piper of Hamelin is a folktale, the town of Hamelin’s records do state that many children disappeared from the town around the time of the story."
"A norwegian student named Kristoffer Koch spent $27 on Bitcoins, forgot about them, and a few years later realized they were worth nearly $900,000"
"Canada has the most doughnut shops percapita of any country in the world."
"In 2007, Daniel Radcliffe wore the same outfit each time he left a theatre for 6 months straight in order to piss off the paparazzi."
"Aki Ra, a former Cambodian Khmer Rouge conscripted child soldier, dedicated the rest of his life to removing landmines in Cambodia. He has removed over 50,000 landmines by himself!"
"To prepare for the role of Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy, Karen Gilian really did shave her head bald."
"Australia’s largest ever petition of 792,985 signatures was submitted to parliament in 2000 to protest against rising beer prices."
"Modern cruise control was developed by an engineer frustrated by his lawyer who kept speeding up and slowing down the car as he talked."
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