Why do hotels supply everything but toothpaste in the bathroom?
"Most hotels don’t supply toothpaste because it is assumed that people will bring their own, so at the end of the day it’s not a necessary expense. That said, most hotels have toothpaste behind the front desk that they’ll share with you if you ask nicely."
Why do we laugh?
"The bummer here is that there really isn’t a universally agreed upon scientific answer to this question. A popular theory that people have is that it has a lot to do with our relationships with one another. We laugh with others to share that we find something enjoyable.
I realize that I’m starting this post with no real answer, so we’re off to a bit of a shite start. MY BAD."
If a single horse has 15 horsepower shouldn’t it be one horse power?
"The term ‘horsepower’ was created to help sell engines. One horsepower is equivalent to the amount of power a horse
can generate on average over an entire day."
Izismile Videos
If you gargled heavy whipping cream for long enough, could you make butter in your throat?
"Interesting thought, but the constant introduction of saliva would mess up the process. So no, you couldn’t make butter this way."
Why was 18 chosen as the age to become an adult?
"Originally, the ‘universal age of an adult’ was 21. This is because at 21, a squire would be sworn in as a knight. However, during WWI, there were so many deaths that the draft age of 21 was lowered to 18 and it just sort of stuck that way."
If a snake got tased would it coil up or straighten out?
"Snakes are very muscular. The majority of their muscle can be found near the belly, with less of the muscle being along the spine. Due to this, snakes would likely COIL up."
Do people with schizophrenia who also need glasses see their hallucinations clear or blurry when not wearing glasses?
"It seems to be different for everyone, but one Reddit User has said the following:
“I have schizophrenia and mine are clear with as well as without glasses. I’ve lived with it for almost 20 years now, and my hallucinations still scare me every time. I see like behind the faces of real people as if they were just wearing masks. And I see their real faces. I know it is not real, but I don’t believe it.”"
Why was Princess Peach originally called ‘Princess Toadstool?’
"Well, it turns out that in Japan, she was ALWAYS known as Princess Peach. But when Mario was introduced to the Western World, Nintendo America felt that ‘Peach’ was a bit odd and didn’t relate to anything else in the game. So, they opted to call her Princess Toadstool to relate to The Mushroom Kingdom.
Surprisingly, the name ‘Princess Peach’ wasn’t used officially until Mario 64."
Do dogs understand that we’re throwing food into the trash, or do they think that we’re feeding a bin?
"As hilarious as this thought is, apparently dogs simply understand that the garbage can is an intimate object, and that’s it. It doesn’t think about the fact that you’re ‘feeding it.’"
How do babies get tired exactly when 90% of their time, they just sleep?
"When you’re a baby, you’re expending an insane amount of energy ALL DAY simply due to your environment. Imagine working out for 15 hours while trying to learn a language!"
Are DJ’s actually doing anything when they fiddle with the knobs?
"Of course they are. They’re tinkering with mixes and levels. However, most ‘big time’ DJs at festivals are just playing pre-determined set lists. This isn’t out of laziness, it’s out of the fact that they have to hit certain time marks when working with a large light show."
Why is cow meat called beef, pig meat called pork, but chicken meat just called chicken?
"According do Reddit User Teekno, this practice dates back to the Norman Invasion of Britain:
“For centuries afterwards, the nobility spoke French, and the peasants spoke English. So we have French-derived words for the meat (because the nobility enjoyed the meat) and English-derived words for the animals (because the peasants were the ones that had to raise them).
Chicken was not a “fancy” food at the time and typically didn’t end up on the nobility’s table. The big roaster chickens of today didn’t really exist yet, so there wasn’t a lot of meat available from it. So when the were slaughtered for food, they often went into stews eaten by the farmers.
That’s why we really don’t have a separate word in English that means “the meat of a chicken.”"
Do Surgeons wear Diapers during long Surgeries?
"The thought of this is pretty funny. But apparently the answer is NO. They’re allowed to leave if they have to take a leak."
Why do British people not put “the” in front of hospital?
“It’s called the zero article, and is used for institutions. The sentence describes a state of being rather than the physical location. A patient is both in the hospital and in hospital, but their doctor is only in the hospital.
This is the same as how a teacher and a student are both in the school (located in the school building), but only the student is in school (being schooled)."