“Friend dressed me up as Johnathan Davis for a celebrity look alike contest (24 yrs ago)”
“In highschool, I colored my hair green for St. Patrick’s Day because I assumed everyone else at school would as well. Nope. I was the only one.”
“2005 MySpace profile photo.”
“It was ‘01 and i thought these eyebrows were a fine idea”
Izismile Videos
“Me rolling into 6th grade picture day with bangs I cut myself and a shirt with William Shatner’s face on it.”
“Me at 15. On the burner phone I bought to talk to my boyfriend on after my mom took my phone away. Pierced my lips myself.”
“Went through a CATS phase when i was 11.”
“Literally begged my mom to buy me this shirt in a delia’s in 2009.”
“I don’t know what this is either.”
“1997 and the height of my Nu-Metal obsession. Yes those are elastics in my hair trying to be just like Head from Korn. Nothing says badass like the family Shih tzu!”
“2007. Remember bathroom selfies on a camera?”
“I blame my mom for this one.”
“I peaked at 13 (2011)”
“Revived my ‘dead’ 2008 MacBook and found a treasure trove of cringe, nostalgia, and a photo of me holding my first daughter for the first time.”
“This guy!”
“My mom dressed me up for an event.”
“2012. 14 year old me thought this was really good photography.”
“Picture Day, 2016. Yes, I shaved my head just for this and yes, the shirt does say YOLO”
“In 2004, I was madly in love with my first laptop – an Acer TravelMate—and the feeling was mutual.”
“I felt fabulous wearing that outfit.”
“4th Grade. The more you look at it, the worse it gets.”
“14 years old. Atrociously thin eyebrows, heavy bottom eyeliner, and the coolest phone I’ve ever had (2007)”
“From the archives…”
“2008, 10 years old. I was so proud of this fit.”
“My wife, age 5.”