"This Is A Prime Example Of Why You Don't Park In Front Of A Hydrant"
"Looks Like I Won't Be Listening To My New Vinyl Record. Thanks, USPS"
"My Mom Accidentally Left Her Mirror In Front Of The Window Over The Day. After Coming Back She Found This"
"Long Story Short, I Saw A Cockroach"
Izismile Videos
"When You Live In Svalbard, Norway And Forgot To Close The Window To The Home Office"
"Facade Wall Contractors Used A Drill Too Long For The Job"
"Was showering for 10 mins, when I realized, two rooms were in this state..."
"Put Them In Oven On Purpose To Hide Them From Kids. Forgot About Them"
"30 Inch Water Main Break Caused By Contractor Work"
"Friend Of Mine Posted This Photo Of The Job Site Today"
"Flooding Inside Duke Hospital In Durham, North Carolina Due To A Burst Pipe"
"How To Lose Almost Half A Million In 24 Hours. Porsche 911 Gt3 Rs Put In A River The Day After It Was Purchased"
"Before You Ask, It's A Jackfruit"
"Phone Slipped Out Of My Pocket While Go Karting And Became Wedged Under The Kart. This Is What I Found At The End Of The Lap"
"Taking A Shower For The First Time In The House I Just Bought"
"My first ever house! The tiles hit me on their way down. I got out of the shower and simply walked away to make/have a coffee because I can not mentally handle this yet."
"Driving Into Your Garage With Your Bike Still Attached To You Cars Roof"
"I Accidentally Dropped My Perfume Bottle"
"Ever Make A $100,000 Mistake?"
"Recently moved to shipping for a ink making company. While unloading a dark trailer, I punctured a 2000# tote of water based ink. The entire thing emptied in a matter of seconds. The entire trailer, dock door, and outside was turned blue. Even thou its water based it still had water pollutants in it so EPA had to be called in due to it getting into the sewer. The specialty company that was called in to clean up has spent the last 3 weeks digging up the sewer and surrounding ground that had been contaminated. A few days of heavy rain hasnt helped the clean up at all. Needless to say I had a nervous break down and missed 2 days of work. Got a call asking if I quiting, which would possibly lead to criminal charges. Being close to 3 weeks out I can finally think back and sorta laugh at this situation."
"Cable Guy Drills A Hole In The Side Of House, Into A Closet, Through A Guitar Case, And Right Through A Martin Hd-28v"
"A Truck Carrying A Tank Of White Paint Dropped It On The Road"
boy, she's wet like never before...