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A family earning $75,000 wouldn’t qualify for a $450,000 mortgage.
Imagining Joy Behar naked, on the other hand…
It certainly helps explain the stereotypical demented behavior of 'cat ladies.'
Doe it even matter?
You're a bigot and shame on you for judging an entire group.
You're part of the problem in this country.
Oh no, climate change.
It's just a money making grift that's evolved into a religion. And, like all greedy religions that s#cker the under-intelligent...you're not allowed to criticize it, hence, your downvotes. Climate activists and Eco-Terrorists are intrinsically similar to the Taliban in their approach...and they know it.
The climate change grift has become a religion. And, like all religions...you're not allowed to criticize it. (Right, IZI?) They exist by suckering the under-intelligent. Climate Activists and Eco Terrorists are very similar in their approach to that of the Taliban. They know this, and flaunt it.
...well, THAT'S peculiar.
Exxon knew in the 70s that their products caused climate change but kept it secret.
You need to stop believing everything Left-wing media tells you and start thinking critically. If you can...which I doubt.
If someone placed the stones there as a warning, then there must have been a non-man-made drought back then, which you now want to sell as man-made? Just reading it should make anyone realize that this is nonsense.