"“Don’t take criticism from people you wouldn’t take advice from.”
I’ve slept so much better since following this advice."
"If you are too afraid of doing something, then do it scared."
"Never take a laxative and a sleeping tablet at the same time."
“Don’t make decisions when you are feeling emotional.”
Izismile Videos
"“One day those socks won’t be there.”
There was a woman who was complaining to her grandma about her husband that always made a mess and would leave his socks on the floor. The grandma, who had already lost her husband said, “One day those socks won’t be there,” and it completely shifted the woman’s view.I like to think back to this when I get annoyed about small things that my partner does, and instead I’m just so thankful he’s here."
"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
It’s from Robin Williams, and it’s just true. The advice would be stick to yourself and don’t judge about what others do or don’t do."
"Do not borrow grief from the future."
"Oh yeah. Stressing about things that might go wrong…If it does go wrong, now you feel sh#t and you felt sh#t before it happenedIf it doesn’t go wrong, now you feel fine but you felt sh#t before it happened"
"No one cares as much about you as you."
"The first job i had was at a small production facility for windows, as a 15yr old kid i got easy jobs like sweeping floors, cleaning, easy assembly.. I was sweeping the floor for saw dust and didn’t put much effort in it. And this old guy came up to me and said: “I will tell you something that you will remember for the rest of your life, no matter how mundane the job is, do it properly”. And i remembered, I never forgot those words."
"When I first became a father some told me. “The days are long but the years are short” No idea what it ment at the time but I sure do now."
"The key to anger management is noticing and defusing your anger when it’s at a 5, 6 or 7/10.
If you wait until you are as angry as you can be to calm down, you’ll need a miracle to do the trick."
"Someone else is happier with less than what you have."
"Never cheap out on toilet paper or bin bags"
"Get everything in writing; never put anything in writing."
"Life is like a d#ck, sometimes it’s up, sometimes it’s down but it never stays hard forever"
"I tell my kids all the time “If you don’t ask, the answer is a guaranteed NO. So it doesn’t hurt to ask.
”This applies to many facets of life."
"Expectations are predetermined resentments"
"Don’t ever spend your money on someone else’s vices."
"My grandfather’s advice was- “Working hard makes you lucky.”"
Worry is a dividend paid to disaster before it's due.
- Ian Fleming