Photographer Jeremy Sutton-Hibbert photographed a Sintesti, Romania, from 1990 to 2006, documenting the life, traditions, history and outlook of the Romanian Gypsies.
These photos convey a period of dramatic changes in the gypsy camp: its people leave behind the dark past of the communist years and take the path to wealth, access to which can provide new opportunities.
The camp is gradually transformed from a cluster of houses and traditional tents, horses and carts into a village, where all income (earned by the sale of scrap metal) is spent on the construction of the fantastic houses and buying Porsche cars. But people's outlook has not changed, women still don’t access education and opportunities to work, but all of them have a strong desire to become "Europeans."

[oricum... imi place ca s-au enervat baietii pe aici
We are sick and tired of being categorize as gypsies, we have our own culture,traditions and language.
@ iztrul DO NOT BE IGNORANT!!!
Is there anything there we need ?
Probably why we haven't bombed them ..............
USA is the best when it comes to making bombs.
Thing most of you didnt know is that all those big tacky houses didnt pay for electricity, they connect directly from the electrical poles, basically stealing electricity. The electric companies came and cut the lines only to be reconnected after they left.
In the end, solution was to modify the ENTIRE electrical network around that village so that the electrical current transported through those wires was 360 volts, instead of the domestic consumer 220 volts.
All that money spent only to stop a pack of parasites from stealing.
And you, all the high horses Western Europeans that defend the gypsies in this post, guess from whom they stole to built some of the houses shown here ! From you ! You seen them begging, scamming and stealing in London, Paris, Brussels etc !
dance I want to fuck a gypsy woman
Get real!! She will steal your walet and she smeling too bad man... A black woman is 100X better!