People can put strange tattoos on their bodies – they can choose different drawings, stars and even scientific tattoos.
But this young girl’s gone further than anybody else. How could she only think of such thing... 
It's amazing how time flies. You blink and half of the week is already over. Few more days and it’s the weekend:)
I’m in a great mood today, I wish you the same ;) In any way, it can’t be otherwise on our site: P
What's happening in the world, do you know? I am concerned about the situation in Iran. Peaceful elections have turned into a war.
Many human lives were taken already. And this is very scary. I hope this situation will be settled soon.
Meanwhile, new visitors come along to our site from Bing, the new search engine of Microsoft. However, Google is the best for me for now :)
Whatever is the search engine that drove you here, welcome to you!
That’s all.
See you tomorrow! )
There are several bad news today.
First, yesterday, Two Washington DC subway trains collided during Monday afternoon rush hour, killing nine people.
Pictures are clickable. There are no trashy ones.

When I read such ads I start to lose faith in humanity (

Funny gif animations:
Perez Hilton, a famous blogger who pours dirt on celebrities, got a black eye in Toronto )) He’s saying that it was done by a manager of the group Black Eyed Peas.

More details here.
And here’s a VIDEO where Perez tells his story )
The whole time Megan Fox was on the red carpet for the Los Angeles premiere of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen", her mind was somewhere else...

1st Glimpse of Burton`s Alice in Wonderland. Clickable.

The thing that happened in the first picture resulted in what you will see on the second one )) Clickable.
Do you remember the story of the girl who accused the tattooist of tattoing on her face 56 stars instead of 3? Well, the girl finally admitted that she was lying. He he :)))
Interesting links from the web:
Peter Griffin Motivational Posters
The Air Down There
Cool trick with YouTube videos
What does the internet think?
7 Great Castles That Are Not in Europe
1839: Thai conjoined twin brothers settled in NC, USA. These are their descendants
Breathing Earth
Seven actresses you might not know are Australian
8 Intriguing Pairs (and Trios) Who Died on the Same Day

Mini tank. Nice work! (4 pics)

Mel B (14 pics)

Leighton Meester on the beach (9 pics)

‘Fashion’ has no seasons (21 pics)

Audrina Patridge in bikini (7 pics)

Astonishing pictures taken from space reveal the full beauty of auroras (6 pics)

Lady Gaga on concert (9 pics)
You like to watch sexy celebrity bikini babes? If yes, the curiosities of today have been made for you. You will find no less than 40 famous female stars in bikinis. There are stars like Anna Kournikova, Christina Aguilera, Fergie, Jessica Alba… etc. Enjoy! (40 pics)
New week, new problems. Only one thing stays unchangeable – your favourite site Izismile ;)
Where else will you find so many images, videos and games daily?
Yes, we are modest ;))
With the arrival of summer, vacation time comes too, we can see it by site attendance ;)
Don’t forget to vote in our new survey devoted to the summer holidays (in right column).
If it’s your first time on the site, I encourage you to register and bookmark Izismile, because you’ll come back to us. And more than once)
Good Monday to all of you and I’m going to gather material for tomorrow’s news.
Lydia Guevara poses for a PETA photo shoot.
No, you’re right, this is the grand daughter of the famous revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

This famous picture of Einstein with his autograph was sold at auction. The photo was sold for 74,325 dollars.
Funny gif animations:
One guy writes: "My mom found this dollar in our earnings from our garage sale. Text reads from left side and around: Im 27 Y/O GLM - Gay Latin Male - Hustler957@msn.com email me soon are there any good men out there?!?"


Change the place of the two matches to transform five squares into four.
Squares should be the same size.
No extra matches should be left.
Think. Then look the
104-year-old twins Cao Xiaoqiao and Cao Daqiao look at each other on the outskirts of Shiqiaozi town in Zhucheng, Shandong province.
Born in 1905, they are now the oldest pair of twin sisters in China.

A teenage girl survived a terrifying lightning strike after she was saved by the wire of her iPod.
Doctors believe Sophie survived the 300,000-volt surge only because it travelled through the gadget’s wire, diverting it away from her vital organs. Clickable.

Man impersonates his dead mother to collect $115,000 in Social Security and rent subsidies.
For six years, Thomas Prusik-Parkin hoodwinked a stunning array of government agencies with his elaborate charade - using a cane, heavy makeup, fake ID and a phony "nephew," law enforcement sources said.
Rihanna’s home video. It lasts several minutes, nothing can be seen. It’s for the fans :))
Interesting links from the web:
6 Valuable (And Disgusting) Ways They're Reusing Human Waste
10 Strange Species Discovered Last Year
Morgan Freeman Affair with E'Dena Hines - His Step-Granddaugher
Airline appears serious about pay toilets
The 7 Stages of First-Time Sex with Someone
Top 10 TV Dads of All Time
Seven Total Badasses with Totally Wussy Hobbies
How much could you carry in a bank robbery?
10 Most Magnificent Trees In The World
Biggest Trees In The World
Out of the way! Public schoolboys take joyride through school corridors in 'Italian Job' stunt
Welcome to Hellweek
The 10 Best Gifts From Daughters On Father's Day
7 Amazing Types Of Invisible Ink & How You Can Use Them

Have you ever been so tired? (18 pics)

Art with vinyl records (14 pics)

Beaches in the Maldives (40 pics)

The beauty of silver (41 pics)

Gisele Bundchen (12 pics)
To begin this week, some recent photos of Tila Tequila are waiting for you inside the curiosities (4 pics) 
Well, here’s a long-awaited end of the working week. Greets with Friday ;))
It’s been a week since we removed the smileys from the site. As we promised we put them back, because, it’s true it’s like something’s missing ;)) BUT, we removed forever and ever the shooting smiley, it was really annoying. We found that comments became more interesting but the smileys can add some emotion etc. Just don’t overuse them ;))
Have a good rest and gain strength for the next week.
And, of course, we are waiting for you here, on IZI )
Selection of the “submitted content” will be done next week.
If you want to get there, send me your photos and videos.
Enjoy !!!)

Funny gif animations:
Rises and falls of Eddie Murphy. Clickable.

Great simple illusion.
Look at the dot on the right and gradually the moving strip will become blue )

An Olive python attempts to drag its dinner - a wallaroo - up a sheer gorge in Kimberly, Western Australia.

Interesting links from the web:
You Have An Air Conditioned WHAT?!
World's Craziest Stunts
Funny dialog
The portrait of Vladimir Putin as a woman which got artist arrested by secret service
6 Things Ben Affleck Ruined For Us
10 Funniest Movie Taglines
20 Horror Clichés That Will Not Die
12 of the Deadliest Unmanned Killing Machines in Our Arsenal
The 10 Biggest Female Celebrity Douchebags

Megan Fox in Moscow (8 pics)

Drawing with typographia (14 pics)

Beautiful pictures of abandoned places in Detroit (28 pics)

Katie Price in bikini (6 pics)

Beautiful paintings of wild naimals by Collin Bogle (32 pics)

Second life for a bus (9 pics)
For this Friday, inside the curiosities, we decided to post photos of The Pussycat Dolls in bikinis on a beach in Hawaii. 38 photos await you after the jump.
That's how they make up lips
In all countries, traffic police try to be invisible to drivers. This way they can give more fines. Chinese cops are no exception.
Look how they hide.
WALL-E on the top made me laugh )))))
Today is Wednesday, which means a little Friday ;)
Two days before the weekend! )
I have not very good news.
Last week I received 4 letters with complaints that users’ anti-virus (firewalls, Google etc.) alarm about different viruses, Trojans and malwares on our site.
It is not TRUE. Izismile is completely clean of all this dirt. Not a single line of the site’s code contains any virus. I know this for sure.
We spent a lot of time yesterday on checking the site. Nothing at all. It’s clean.
There’s another explanation to it.
A week ago, we started working with a new advertising agency MediaShakers and embedded codes of their banners on the site.
It is those codes that might have contained malware in order to fraud the number of page views for their advertisement.
Personally, neither my antivirus nor firewall alarmed me about the threats that could be caused due to this advertising.
Yesterday, we completely stopped the cooperation with this agency and permanently removed their advertising from the site.
Therefore, I want to apologize to all visitors who were affected with this and had problems with Trojans / malware.
In the future, we will be more careful when checking our partners and this won’t happen again.
I want to ask all of you who had these problems to send me an email and tell me what was the day when it occurred.
Have a nice Wednesday )
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a party boy ;))

Seeing double! Actor Bruce Willis (lt) speaks to his stunt double during filming for "A Couple of Cops".

Funny gif animations:
Ronaldo and socialite Paris Hilton were spotted celebrating his transfer at the exclusive Los Angeles nightclub MyHouse...
The transfer cost Real Madrid 130,5 million dollars. The player was bought from Manchester United.

The astonishing image of a baby kangaroo taken from INSIDE its trusting mother's pouch.
Click on the image.

This kid has a lot to be proud of.

Stalin's Mug Shot. Clickable.

Mexicans hoist a 60.1 metre-long pair of trousers made in an attempt to break the Guinness record for the longest pants in the world, in Almoloya del Rio.

Interesting links from the web:
Saudi pays up in Paris shop row
60 Rare and Unusual Vintage Signs
10 Breathtaking Viewing Platforms around the World
Compilation of 15 Speed Records
Sounds hot, wish I lived nearby
15 Of The Hottest Women in Politics
10 Cool Beds
TOP 100 funniest one-liners on the internet!
Wearing nothing but a smile: Topless 'Mona Lisa' is unveiled... but it wasn't painted by Da Vinci
The 10 Most Psychotic Girlfriends of All Time

Megan Fox (8 pics)

Jennifer Aniston (9 pics)

How to make a cheap and crappy office (13 pics)

La Tomatina: a crazy tomato fight festival in Colombia (14 pics)

Amazing collection of unusual hats(58 pics)
In today’s Curiosities you will see two road monsters - Tank car and Aero Packard Flyer Dream Rod (17 pics)
Monday was kinda difficult for me. Had a lot of things to do. And the same today :)
I hope you are doing better?
Some stats for Izismile )
Over the weekend 2 important things happened.
First, there are already more than 2 000 registered users. If you are not yet registered - JOIN US!
Second, the total number of comments exceeded 17, 000!
And one last thing, IZI has over 500 followers on Facebook and almost 150 followers on Twitter. Join us there too )
The city of Toronto decided that the stock photo on the left wasn't ethnically diverse enough for inclusion into its "FUN GUIDE":

Splendid Megan Fox at the premiere of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" in Berlin, Germany.

Funny gif animations:
Distant 90’s. Winona Ryder and Julia Roberts )

The Milky Road. Beautiful. Clickable.

A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street. "But officer," the man began, "I can explain."
"Quiet!" snapped the officer. "I'm going to let you spend the night in jail until the chief gets back."
"But, officer, I just wanted to say,"
"And I said be quiet! You're going to jail!"
A few hours later the officer looked in on his prisoner and said, "Lucky for you, the chief's at his daughter's wedding. He'll be in a good mood when he gets back."
"Don't count on it," answered the guy in the cell. "I'm the groom."

Britney Spears in bikini on the beach (7 pics)

24 Heures Du Mans (23 pics)

Old ads (40 pics)

Colorful candies (10 pics)

Chevrolet Outdoor Billboards (23 pics)
Today, inside the Curiosities, you will admire all the details of a £50.000 doll house. Quite an amazing work! (17 pics)
This is how the tax service works in China.
Nobody pays any attention to people. They have more important things to do ... 
Friday is almost here, but as for now, let’s work and have a good time on Izi )
We decided to do an unprecedented experiment. Today we remove smileys until the end of the next week.
Why? I already wrote several times that the use of some smileys and emoticons - is not the expression of opinion in the comments, but is just laziness to think and write something interesting.
Some of our visitors, willing to be on first place in the "Most active commentators", use only smileys.
Now we will see who really wants to talk, leave their opinion, listen to the others and to have a discussion with other people.
I really hope that there are a lot of such people on the site and we eventually will have a great communication
And in this situation, I support all those people who are against smileys on the site at all.
If you think that your English is bad, it’s not that big a deal, write your comment anyway. No one’s here to judge your language skills. In any case, it would be better than to leave a non-significant smiley.
But it will only last one week. And then we decide if it’s worth to return the smileys or not. May be we will leave 10 the most usable.
Several amusing pictures with stars.
Meet Ivan Brad, 38, senior road inspector of Russian road police unit.
Some PR guys of Omsk city decided to get more attention from the drivers by putting full sized Brad Pitt faced figures that they call “Ivan” on the roads of the city.

Another fresh picture of Pitt.

It’s just a pretty picture of Naomi Campbell.

Funny gif animations:

Teenager Aimee Kick, 18, has created a prom dress entirely out of coffee filters in Missouri, U.S.

Psst! Do you need friends, relatives, or even your boss to come to your wedding but don’t have any? If you’re in Japan, then you’re in luck: no need to make friends, just hire ‘em!
Office Agents, a Tokyo-based company, rents out friends, work colleagues and even relatives to pad out the guest list.
For £127, one of the company’s agents will attend the wedding as a guest, while a heart-tugging speech will cost an extra £64 and a song or dance will set clients back a mere £32.
Brides or grooms who want to impress their prospective partners with their sheer volume of friends are among those secretly padding the guest list with fakes.
The recession has also boosted the popularity of the service. With unemployment rising and a growing number of Japanese in part time jobs, people rent fake bosses or colleagues.
Others turning to the company for fake work-related guests are those who have recently lost their jobs but want to maintain an air of respectability, according to Hiroshi Mizutani, who heads Office Agents.
Anatomy of a crash. For those who are interested. Clickable.

Interesting links from the web:
The secret history of beer
The Top Seven Celebrities Most Likely to Commit Murder
British soldier had sniper's bullet pulled from his back by comrade after being shot by Taliban
Happy Birthday, Natalie Portman! Here Are Your 5 Funniest videos!
The Stories Behind 10 T.V. Theme Songs
15 Common Drinking Myths Debunked
10 cars that seem to last forever
The 10 Most Difficult Kisses To Complete

Creative cups and salt & pepper shakers (31 pics)

Urban camouflage (12 pics)

Heather Graham (6 pics)

A smile can make you live longer, so Smile! (37 pics)

Beautiful paintings on aluminium foil (11 pics)

Pigs’ invasion (69 pics)
Today inside the curiosities, we chose to post photos of the booth babes from the E3 2009 event. No less than 34 photos are waiting for you after the jump, enjoy.
50% of the week passed by quickly, let’s hope that the next half will pass quickly as well.
There’s nothing to say much today ) See you tomorrow.
Truthfully yours
Admin ;)
Exactly 75 years ago – June 9, 1934, Donald Fauntleroy Duck was born.
He first appeared in the Silly Symphonies cartoon The Wise Little Hen.
That’s how he looked like.

Barack Obama in 1980’s, student years. Clickable.

Funny gif animations:
Very strange story. I think it’s fake )
To see the photos, click on the image.

Weird ad...

Interesting image which shows national debt by country.
I didn’t know that Japan is a big debtor as well as the United States.

And this is a real website of one company. Very cool idea )

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Sweden's Pirate Party, striking a chord with voters who want more free content on the Internet, won a seat in the European Parliament, early results showed on Sunday.
The Pirate Party captured 7.1 percent of votes in Sweden in the Europe-wide ballot, enough to give it a single seat. The party wants to deregulate copyright, abolish the patent system and reduce surveillance on the Internet.
Interesting links from the web:
World’s Weirdest Animal Babies
12 Superb Concept Cars
Blogs Falling in an Empty Forest
Escapee gives glimpse of North prison camps
Nikola Tesla
Father's surprise: call-girl daughter
Best Full Moon Beach Parties Around The World
The 15 Most Beautiful Flowers In The World
How to Survive in the Post-Apocalyptic World
Winged Cats, Angry Sheep, Bo Obama: The 8 Most Terrifying Animals Of The Week
10 Things To Ask For When You're On A First Date And How To Interpret The Answers
11 Best Homer Simpson Quotes About Movies and Television

New photos of t.A.T.u (8 pics)

Anna Kournikova (6 pics)

Siberian carmageddon - The purpose of the race: crash the enemy’s car (31 pics)

Lindsay Lohan exiting Cuckoo club in London. It seems she had lot of fun (10 pics)

POP's 'Stash – a funny and simple idea (6 pics)
Today, inside the curiosities, 2 beautiful creatures are waiting for you. It’s Kelly Brook in bikini and a lovely blonde (7 pics)
A year ago, I had 30 kilograms of extra weight and some health problems (I could hardly walk, I was always panting, I had an arrhythmia, and lots of other stuff ).
It could not continue, I had to brace up and decide - it’s me who will be a slave of my stomach, or it’s my stomach who will work for me.
There is not a magical recipe and you shouldn’t necessarily do sports in order to lose weight, it is enough to nourish good with a healthy food.
Yes, this will take some time, but when you see the final result, you will be satisfied and proud of yourself, and most importantly, you will feel much better.
And if you have enough will power to do some sports along with your healthy nutrition, the results would be staggering. If you don’t believe my words, here are good examples (if you haven’t seen it yet, of course):
I hope that after watching this selection of photos, you will make the right choice )) 
You never take good decisions when you’re drunk!
And it’s always the next day that we realize it…
I’m counting days before the next weekend. I’m tired and want to have a rest. I’m joking :)
I have some news.
Yesterday, for the first time of the site’s existence I heard so many criticism, which very often was unfounded.
Well, you know that I’m talking about
this post.
All what I think about it I wrote HERE.
Today, the 2000th user will register on the site. YAHOO! (it’s not a promotion ;)) If you’re not with us yet, so click THIS LINK and register.
And if you are for the first time on the site, don’t forget to bookmark Izismile. You won’t regret it )
Even koalas like Kim Kardashian. Clickable.

Angelina Jolie had a fight with Brad Pitt. There are rumors that she moved to this small house on the picture. And the house in the circle, is the house where Brad stays with kids.

Great optical illusion. Which Audi R8 is the largest?
First look at the picture and then click it to see the answer.

Funny gif animations:
A man is tried in England for having ridden his son on a sled this way on February the 6th.

The Worst Urinal of All Time: Two dudes, shoulder-to-shoulder, facing inward at a 45 degree angle.
Yep... Clickable.

I’m chocked and speechless.
Is it really true???
German zoo gave Z and Vielpunkt, a pair of gay Humboldt penguins, an abandoned egg to care for.
Photographs posted on Facebook of a smiling nurse flicking a V-sign over a patient during surgery have further blackened the reputation of a scandal-hit hospital.

Other pictures on the social networking site show staff pointing their backsides at the camera, while another reveals a nurse posing while cleaning a pool of blood off the floor of the operating theatre with a piece of plastic.

Interesting links from the web:
10 Most Incredible Globes: Taking Earth Day Literally
10 Truly Bizarre Scientific Studies
Lucky man marries thai twins simultaneously
Pirate Party Wins and Enters The European Parliament
Is America Over Will Ferrell?
Dance craze causes bodily harm
10 Celebrities We Secretly Want To Have Sex With
51 Ways to Tell if You're Possessed by Demons

Eva Longoria on her boat (10 pics)

How to make a nacho hat? (8 pics)

A kart that folds into a suitcase (14 pics)

Britney Spears during her video shoot of “Radar” (15 pics)

Ashley Tisdale (8 pics)

20 unusual and creative packaging designs (20 pics)
The most horrible photos of Courtney Love are waiting for you after the jump (16 pics)
And not only delicate but also extremely difficult ))
Politicians, despite the fact that they are always in the spotlight, sometimes do such stupid things ...
What you are going to see is a compilation of various funny and interesting incidents with politicians around the world. 
I don’t like to write on Mondays, just don’t know what to say )
The five long working days are ahead. Come visit us more frequently and they will pass by unnoticeable ;))
The way the weekend passed :(
Here is a funy gif animation about this: Why, there was weekend?

The summer is coming to Britain…
It’s not a joke. This picture was taken this weekend )

Funny gif animations:
Do you know what interesting books the all famous Amazon sells? No? Then click on the picture.

Last week Bill died. Yes, it’s Bill from "Kill Bill."
On June 4, 2009, Carradine was found dead in his room at the Swissôtel Nai Lert Park Hotel in central Bangkok, Thailand. A police official said Carradine was found hanging by a rope in the room's closet.

Four worms
A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon. Four worms were placed into four separate jars.
The first worm was put into a container of alcohol.
The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke.
The third worm was put into a container of chocolate syrup.
The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil.
At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results:
The first worm in alcohol - Dead
The second worm in cigarette smoke - Dead
Third worm in chocolate syrup - Dead
Fourth worm in good clean soil - Alive.
So the Minister asked the congregation – What did you learn from this demonstration???
Maxine was sitting in the back, quickly raised her hand and said, ‘As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won’t have worms!’
That’s how they celebrated Mardi Gras in 1900. It looks like fun )

Interesting links from the web:
Five Portage students arrested for food fight
Cutting Edge Weapons: 10 Unusual Knives, Swords and Blades
Top 10 Failed McDonald’s Products
The 12 Best Fictional Girlfriends
Billion-Pixel Pictures Allow Ultra-Zooming for Science
Paravicini is blind and severely disabled yet can master any song after hearing it once... What is his secret?
What Really Slows Windows Down
The 10 Sexiest Women on Capitol Hill
The 10 Greatest Stand-Up Comedy Bits About Sex
15 Pictures That Give COSPLAY A Bad Name

Pictures of Marilyn Monroe never seen before (7 pics)

Photoshopped pictures of eyes (13 pics)

World of Warcraft and girls! (15 pics)

A dog world (44 pics)
Today, in the Curiosities you can contemplate the photoshoot of Eva Longoria in a sexy lingerie for GQ Magazine.
Greetings with the first Friday of June :)
We have such a nice weather here, that it makes you wanna go out on the sun.
And what are your plans for summer? Have you already thought about your vacation?
I think I won’t have my vacation this summer, I can’t leave you this summer )
In any case, tonight I go to the movies to watch Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins. I have waited for a long time and finally, it’s here!!
Have a good weekend.
See you on Monday.
PS. We received a letter from one our user who said that he had problems when he goes on site from IE. If someone has similar problems, please, write about it here in the comments.
President Barack Obama takes off a gift of a gold necklace called the King Abdul Aziz Order of Merit, the country's highest honour, after it was given to him by Saudi King Abdullah in Riyadh.

Funny gif animations:
Plainclothes police officers shielded themselves as they worked near Tiananmen Square in Beijing Thursday, the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square incident.
Exhibits and activities were held in remembrance of those who were killed in the government crackdown.

French climber Alain Robert, also known as "Spiderman", pauses to use a cell phone as he descends the outside of the 41-story Aurora Place office tower in central Sydney June 2.

Low-impact living: Simon Dale, a self-build devotee, with his wife Jasmine and children outside their woodland home, which was constructed entirely from natural and reclaimed materials, including tiles from a showroom skip. Check out the pictures of the house and some its plans. Clickable.
Interesting links from the web:
The Origins of Band Names
TOP 100 funniest one-liners on the internet!
17 Amazing Yearbook Photos Of Comedians
Actor David Carradine found dead in Bangkok
Anti-Christ Protest at E3 Computer and Video Game Expo
Ten Things Not to Do in New York City
HOME - the free environmental movie produced by Luc Besson and Yann Arthus Bertrand is out.
You can watch it HERE

Megan Fox in GQ magazine (12 pics)

Katy Perry performs at MTV Music Awards in a sushi outfit (5 pics)

Creative mind is everywhere (48 pics)

Heather Graham (6 pics)

Supercar VAZ 21099i (8 pics)

Extravagant and "gothic fashion show” (40 pics)
In the following of the Curiosities, old and new photos of Pamela Anderson (18 photos)
Yesterday we posted a video of this incident. Today, I found pictures and more details of what happened. So, I decided to post all of it with the video.
Sacha Baron Cohen, who everybody knows as Borat or Ali G was a major figure provoking a scandal during the ceremony on MTV Movie Awards last Sunday.
As you know, the actor always changes images. Now he has completely dropped the image of Borat and is focused on the character of Bruno, a gay Austrian and guru of fashion.
At the ceremony, Sacha Cohen was dressed as a bird flying over the room (or maybe a fallen angel ;)). He had to land on the stage, but something went wrong and he had to make an urgent landing on the head of Eminem. The position not very comfortable for two but for the rapper since the buttocks of Sacha Cohen was just in front of his nose and legs on his shoulders ) We can call it technically – 69 position :)
Eminem’s friends (members of his band) tried to save him from Sacha’s tushie and finally succeeded.
The rapper insulted and surprised by this stunt stormed out of the show.
In any case, it was really bold from Sacha’s part to pull this stunt on Eminem ;)