Most of the planes on this list are worth over $500 million or even 2 billion dollars. They sure cost a pretty penny. Let’s see what makes them so special.
A cell phone is a great invention and a very useful device that gives us an unlimited access to any information we need and the possibility to connect with others. The problem is that we have become its hostages because it is as powerful as drug or alcohol addiction. Here are some disturbing statistics about it:
KGW News in Portland sent questionnaires to “86 inmates currently serving time for burglary in the Oregon Department of Corrections.” Based on their answers, they summed up and gave advice how to protect your home the best from breaks in.
Here are the women who gave their voices to favorite Disney princesses.
James N. Mattis is a retired United States Marine Corps general. As of November 2016, General Mattis is being considered for the position of Secretary of Defense in the new administration of President-elect Donald Trump. According to Business Insider, he is “something of a legendary figure in the US military. Viewed as a warrior among Marines and respected by members of other services, he has been at the forefront of numerous engagements.” Here are some of his unforgettable quotes:
Very few people in the world have tiny holes above their ears. Maybe you’re one of those people yourself and always wondered what it is about. Well, there is a simple explanation to that.
NASA conducted a ‘Clean Air Study,’ that shows which plants are effective at removing different chemicals that have been linked to negative health effects like headaches, dizziness, eye irritation, etc. Even though the study is old, it is the most accurate and comprehensive up to now.
Are you a “Harry Potter” fan? If yes, try to answer the questions of this tricky ‘Harry Potter’ trivia. It won’t be easy, I promise ;)