Posted in
DAILY 15 Apr 2010
Posted in
15 Apr 2010
It is very easy, you need to go finishing on it somewhere in Russia…
The life of a transvestite entertainer is never easy. In addition to all the regular makeup duties, he has to rid himself of all his manly attributes. Doing one’s hair and makeup takes on a whole new meaning for a transvestite entertainer.
Who would have thought that the Pope could appear so evil? Well, as these photos show, the pope can appear very devilish indeed. In fact, he looks absolutely evil.
Posted in
15 Apr 2010
Some of these scooters are so cool they’d better be stored at the garage rather than being ridden. What is your opinion about their designs?
Posted in
15 Apr 2010
Have you ever been to Ferrari Production Plant? It is located in Maranello, Italia. Take a look at where the famous sports cars are built!
These charming pictures taken from the airplane window are pure awesomeness! It feels like you are in Heaven! Enjoy!
Posted in
ANIMALS 15 Apr 2010
After Tiger Splash, here comes the "Grizzly Splash" :) It looks as if this zoo keeper is trying to escape from a huge grizzly bear. Their game of chase becomes dangerous, and you feel that this man can meet a grizzly end. Go inside the post to find out if the zoo keeper became bears' lunch.
Laptops in computer stores always look shining and brand new, until they are bought by new owners. Look what some people can do to their computers…
Posted in
ANIMALS 15 Apr 2010
If you capture the right moment with your camera, you will get a photo of a flying cat. Flying animals look really great!
Sometimes people grow horns. These are cutaneous horns that appear due to various epidermal lesions. Often horns grow in people who are over 55-65 years old. Such cases are rare, and right now you can have an exclusive look at seven horned people of nowadays.
Posted in
15 Apr 2010
When Iraqi buys a new vehicle, he keeps his car in exact the same state as on the day it was purchased. Why? Maybe he just wants other people to believe his car is a brand new?
When a black snake is hungry, it can easily eat another snake!
Those of you who really love wild life can also see the first part about a hungry black snake’s dinner.
Got some free time? Devote it to this cool collection of different signs and notes. Have a laugh!
There is an unusual tree that grows in Brazil. It is called Jabuticaba or Brazilian Grape Tree. This tree is very unique because its fruits, jaboticabas, grow directly from the trunk. These fruits can be eaten raw.