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DAILY 5 Jul 2010
Today it’s difficult to believe that this man looked like an average person 2.5 years ago. He just got carried away by making one tattoo after another and by piercing more and more parts of his face. Today man’s head is totally covered with ink. Does he look appealing to you now? Not even slightly, if you want to hear my opinion. Share yours in comments.
This is what was found by a border patrol near the Texan-Mexico border. Apparently, this belonged to Los Zetas, a Mexican cartel with Guatemalan ties in the city of Nuevo Laredo, Mexico some 100 miles away from Laredo, TX.
Well, there are enough weapons to provide a small army…
A great collection of awesome t-shirt designs. Some designs are oldies, but they won’t spoil the whole impression!
Lately there are too many sad stories like this one. People with neurofibromatosis (a disease that causes the nerve tissue growing tumors) are so unfortunate. Their faces and other parts of the body with deformities make their life so difficult. This woman you will see inside this post is from Thailand. Her picture was taken by one man “from the hip” as he walked by. I think this picture should help us understand that sometimes life is too cruel for some people.
When you and your partner share the same interests, it can add some fun to your lives. This couple, for example, knows how to diversify their leisure time. Sarah and Thad Lawrence use Photoshop to create surreal photos and document their relationship in this hilarious way. All pictures are funny and ingenious!
The story of this blind artist is extraordinary and unbelievable. Professional CPA with a photographic memory, Lisa Fittipaldi lost her vision due to a vascular disease in 1993. She lost her job too, but overcame blindness and began painting in 1995. Her paintings are so colorful and bright; it’s hard to believe that they were drawn by a blind person who can’t even see colors or distance. The main challenge to Lisa was when she was told she could never create complex scenes of everyday life with people as main characters. But she managed to do so, and today her paintings are exhibited in museums and galleries around the world. Fittipaldi is a unique artist with an amazing inner vision. You can judge for yourself after the jump.
Anything is possible for Party Gorilla. No matter what you do or if you got problems, Party Ggorilla will always help you out! ;)
The Japanese have a good taste for cool t-shirts. I would like to have one of these creative t-shirts, that’s for sure!
If you were a fan of kit boxes, magazines and picture books 50 to 60 years ago, you might remember sci-fi illustrations by this artist. If not, take a look at these interesting retro images created by Shigeru Komatsuzaki who lived since 1915 till 2001. The graphics are cool! Remember that they were created in the 60’s and 70’s!
I love great photos of nature, but the works by Saul Santos Diaz are truly magical! The contrast and color make me breathless. Even if he digitally manipulates his works after taking the pictures, I am still in love with these unearthly beautiful photographs!
These are paintings made thanks to the Brushes application on an iPad.
The artist David Kassan says that he used this same app on iPhone and that it is not quite the same: "This seems to be more about sculpting the painting and it gives the artist more of a feel for the subject matter and composition. The larger screen obviously helps. The options for colour correction and control are far improved from the iPhone."
Maybe he’s right, but I can say that iPhone paintings that I saw are also awesome.
Being very attentive to even the smallest details is Young C Park’s life slogan. His plane models are always amazing and detailed. They look very realistic! I can’t even imagine how passionate and patient one should be in order to spend days and nights creating such a masterpiece!
Abandoned and deserted places are the main “heroes” of urban decay photography. These photographs are always very impressive and fantastic. Enjoy!