Posted in
DAILY 12 Nov 2010
We are working on the problems that occurred during the site’s moving to another server.
Please be patient and don’t worry. All of the drawbacks will be corrected as soon as possible.
Carefully read each of the following statements. Maybe you’ll recognize your inner thoughts in some of them.
The former Ohio Edison Mad River Power Plant's smoke stake that was 275 feet tall fell the wrong way and crushed the surrounding buildings during the demolition process. The tower also knocked down two power lines and caused the power loss in the city for two hours. It all happened because the demolition company didn’t detect a crack on one side of the tower. Luckily, no one was hurt because of this mistake.
This is supposedly a unique way to warm your pizza at the office. It appears that you simply place your slices of pizza in a chamber beneath your Mac computer and it will warm while you are working. It looks real but I don’t know.
Yeah it is Friday once more and time to relax and let off a little steam. Enjoy these photos for a fun start to your weekend.
Grumpy the Clown Wins Senate Seat
A hurt heart and hot head will make your life miserable. That is exactly what happened to this heart broken guy in PA.
Do you know what Darth Vader did this Halloween? He had a vacation in Hawaii. And he actually looked very colorful, bright and happy. He didn't make lots of effort for his costume though...
Posted in
12 Nov 2010
This vehicle has one of the most unusual air conditioners ever!
Art of Kinetik studio produces bespoke luxury wooden yachts. Its latest creation is Hedonist yacht, which combines levels of refinement and comfort with daring looks and matchless performance. This 63 foot yacht has a solid mahogany hull and it delivers an unusually smooth ride even at the top speed of 40 knots. No screws are visible at any point and nor is any plastic. It seems that Art of Kinetik has a great team of engineers, designers, naval architects and craftsmen.
Jonathan Duhamel is the first French speaking Canadian to win the World Series of Poker. He defeated John Racener of the United States and won $86,000,000 at the Rio hotel casino in Las Vegas. He was a very happy camper.
Posted in
ANIMALS 12 Nov 2010
Although most people probably don’t realize it, animals were used extensively in war. From pets to packhorses to animals that could go where a machine couldn’t. Every conceivable type of animal was used in time of war.
These are some very funny newspaper mistakes and apologies. They are very embarrassing for both the person(s) being written about and the newspaper. I would think that some copyright editors heard an earful when these went to print.
Posted in
ANIMALS 12 Nov 2010
These rats sniff out landmines that are filled with TNT. They are trained by a Dutch nongovernmental organization in Tanzania. Whenever they make positive detection they are rewarded with some food.
For more information about these little sniffers you can check out our recent article we published just several days ago in our daily stare column 'Rats to Nuts.’ Now we have more photos.