Posted in
DAILY 13 Dec 2010
These pictures were posted on one of the American deer hunters’ site. Their author assures that they were taken in Berwick, Louisiana. Surely, this mysterious beast looks horrible. But it’s most likely a fake photograph though the hunter claims it’s a real one. Anyway, if something like this comes out in the woods at night, anyone would be scared to death…
Welcome back to a chilly December. These photos might be just what you need to wake up and get ready for a new week.
Purple Octopus
This is a cute little purple octopus that was found July deep-sea expedition off Canada's Atlantic coast. Cute isn’t it!
This cat definitely wants to get his owner’s attention, but the guy is all into the internet. What will cat do next? It’s so funny!
These old photos are absolutely stunning. They are of people doing various things back in the early 1900’s. It is amazing to think about how far we have come technologically in 80 years. Things have certainly changed since these photos were taken.
Yukon Gold Company Dawson, 1914
This is a picture of 23 men posed outside Yukon Gold Co. Dawson, 1914. It was created in 1914.
Well it is time to get your Christmas tree if you haven’t already. This man has a unique way of cutting down your Christmas tree.
A guy got into a terrible accident on his Kawasaki motorcycle. There isn’t a piece left that is big enough to put in a breadbasket. The amazing part is that the driver walked away from it almost unscathed. The person was very lucky, indeed.
These are some of the funniest Dog Fort memes and comics that show the adventures of a recon team of dog lobsters with their Red Lobster leader and an officer Dog Fort with whom they check in for further instructions. These animals are so cute, and with hilarious comments they get simply adorable.
Posted in
13 Dec 2010
This guy parked his car in the only place in the city where the tree fell down. It’s just his luck to be so unlucky.
Only 8 adults can watch movies in the Sol Cinema at the same time. This micro movie house is the smallest solar powered cinema in the world. It works on lithium batteries that store solar energy, and photovoltaic panels that don’t allow this cinema running out of power 24/7. All short movies, comedies and music videos are shown on a LED projector.The Sol Cinema is a unique communication project that won first prize in the Network Wales Award this December.
Posted in
CELEBS 13 Dec 2010
Politicians get so emotional when they are speaking that their faces have humorous and interesting expressions on them. They seem to laugh or cry differently than the normal person. I wonder if it is real or acting?
Joe Biden
Posted in
ANIMALS 13 Dec 2010
Sweet little things taking bath. It’s a complete cuteness overload.
These are logos that have negative space. Negative space is the area that the design leaves around the image that conveys the meaning of the logo. Because our eyes only seem to focus on the positive space, the negative space is often ignored or not seen. It is actually somewhat of an optical illusion.
Posted in
ANIMALS 13 Dec 2010
These two dogs seem to be the very best of friends. They seem to do everything together including eating, sleeping, and playing. They were born about the same time but then one of them grew up…
These are skateboarders on the 1970’s. You remember when skateboarding was a new thing. These kids seem to be very athletic and very good at it. These amazing photos were taken by Hugh Holland.
This is some delicious looking sushi, if you like raw fish. Apparently, someone has a hamster who thinks so too. They are also very adept at eating it with proper table manners. They must have been good little hamster to deserve such a treat.
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