Posted in
DAILY 5 Apr 2011
When you don’t know the right answers to your exam questions, you can always figure out something hilarious and unusual, just like these people did. Be creative and let other people laugh at your inventiveness!
Previous posts:
Funny Exam (30 pics)
Unusual Exam Answers (39 pics)
These Russian glamour boys and girls will knock you down. You’ll surely wonder who this show off is meant for.
It is time to wake up and get those brains moving with new thoughts, actions, and creativity. These shots should make you think about the world around you and set up your creative juices.
Crazy Cricket
Northern lights over Bleik Andoya, Norway.
Rhino horns are of high demand on the black market. Poachers kill hundreds of animals in order to sell their “treasure”. About 800 rhinoceros were destroyed by poachers in the last three years.
Posted in
GIF 5 Apr 2011
They are considered good luck and It isn’t a joke if you are so inclined and can travel the world you can get one of these neat key rings.
Can you imagine a cow being a well-trained show horse? Thanks to 15-year-old Regina Mayer from Germany it’s now possible. The girl from Laufen always dreamt about her own horse, but her parents who had a stable full of cows refused to get her one. So Regina started to train her pet cow Luna.
The Russians have to have the worst roads in the world. They are in a constant state of repair because they don’t drain properly and they are full of potholes and deep pools. At the rate that they are being repaired, Russia will have bad roads for a long time.
Posted in
5 Apr 2011
These spiders invaded trees on Pakistan. However, the news isn’t all bad. The invasion of spiders reduced the malaria rate. To get rid of the spiders, special super sticky glue is used. They are very interesting photos.
These are some hilarious office pranks. Working in an office environment is usually very boring until somebody comes up with an ingenious and creative prank. These are the most ingenious and creative office pranks ever and they are very funny.
Posted in
RANDOM 5 Apr 2011
Can you imagine what this girl is doing bent over in front of a Judge?
Posted in
5 Apr 2011
Apparently this man has a very interesting hobby. He downloads books from the Internet then he prints them out and makes miniature copies of them. These are terrific looking miniature books.