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DAILY 6 Apr 2011
Bert Kreischer is an American stand-up comedian who knows how to surprise a hotel maid. He always creates something funny and unusual using bedsheets and clothes before he leaves his hotel room. Look how funny the results are!
This cool collection of impressive weight loss results proves that impossible is nothing.
Breathtaking photo of Zack Giffin skiing through Termas de Chillan.
Photo © Grant Gunderson
Yup, you have more than likely seen or at least heard about those old roadside attractions that feature the weirdest people in the human universe and possibly beyond. Here is a collection that should shake up your day.
How good is Tequila? Judging on these hilarious faces, not very good.
When it comes to Easter and eggs this couple and their self entitled Egg Shell Land wins hands down.
Imagine coloring and setup up over 40,000 eggs. That is what Ron and Betty Manolio in Lyndhurst, Ohio do each year to create this eggshell heaven. It all started back in 1957 when Ron’s mother began the tradition by coloring 750 colored eggshells to make a cross on her lawn.
Posted in
6 Apr 2011
One Japanese couple loves its two cats so much that it has decided to build a special Inside Out House for both cats and humans. The project was designed by Takeshi Hosaka Architects who created a home “inside which you feel being outside”.
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CELEBS 6 Apr 2011
Gwen Stefani Wants You to Know That
Posted in
6 Apr 2011
According to rumors, Millie Brown is not only an artist who barfs on paper to create her paintings but also a singer. Her working atmosphere is easy to describe. Two young ladies sing the classical aria in a white room while Millie drinks colored milk and pukes it on her canvas. She has given a few public performances, and people say she has even vomited on Lady Gaga. Anyways, one of her artworks is available for sale for $2,400. So let’s express ourselves through art.
This is one of the most unusual collections of strange looking guns that you have ever seen. Some of them are homemade, some of them are military, some of them are just plain weird, and all of them are interesting.
Posted in
6 Apr 2011
This is what you can get from a simple garage in only six months.
Seriously? I can get piercing and other “face jewelry”, but this looks ridiculous. It gets better in the end though.
Thanks to this comic strip, it is easily explained, plus so true.
These are some rather humorous Japanese instructions. They take ordinary situations and make them funny. Take a look if you want a laugh.
Posted in
6 Apr 2011
Apparently, Panda shorts are the latest fad in China. Perhaps it’s because the Panda bear is so popular in China. Whatever the reason they are very stylish.