Arne Olav Gurvin Fredriksen, known as gyyporama, can help you if you can’t choose which animal you like the most. You can just combine them!
Liz Sexton is inspired by animals. Minneapolis-based artist began making her facial masks a few years ago after constructing a couple of Halloween costumes, although she’s worked with the versatile paper material for many years. Made of brown paper, paste, and paper pulp, each piece takes a few weeks to create.
Instagram user Omar Abu Ghebasha uses zero Photoshop to meet his real celebrity friends. Yeah, that’s it.
Becca Saladin started “Royalty Now” in February of 2019, simply as a way for her to see her favorite historical figure, Anne Boleyn, as a modern woman. She started the account to satisfy her own curiosity about what members of the past would look like if they were standing right in front of us. And it looks like it’s not only her that’s curious.
Stephen McMennamy is an Atlanta-based creative director and Instagram star who loves to boggle our minds with his surreal photo mash-ups.
Luigi Kemo Volo is a graphic designer and illustrator from Bacoli, Naples in Italy. He's best known for his photo montages where he loves to insert Disney characters into real life as if they were his friends.