Here is another set of pictures from the series “Only in…”
And we will continue today this series with Japan, for a second time!
I love this country, it’s so different…
And there goes the first part (50 pics) for the few of you who missed it..

Posted in
DAILY 22 Mar 2010
Posted in
DAILY 19 Mar 2010
The birds in these photos represent all the bad things birds have to offer the rest of us. They are funny but fowl.

Posted in
DAILY 18 Mar 2010
Posted in
DAILY 17 Mar 2010
These amazing photos look like they are fake but they are not: They have not been Photoshopped and are 100% real.

Posted in
DAILY 16 Mar 2010
Posted in
DAILY 15 Mar 2010
You will see in this post how you can use ordinary things in an unusual way, for example how you can fix an exhaust pipe with earphones and a lot more.
Some people really don’t lack imagination…

Posted in
DAILY 12 Mar 2010
Posted in
DAILY 11 Mar 2010
Representing cartoons characters seems to be a very popular art nowadays. I follow new costume play ideas with a great interest. People no matter how they look like or how old they are come up with the funniest and craziest decisions about their cosplays. Inside this post, you can find comical cosplay photos that will tickle your bones!

Posted in
DAILY 5 Mar 2010
Posted in
DAILY 5 Mar 2010
Animals, nature and old architecture. These are probably three main things that always look amazing on photos. Take a look at this remarkable collection of funny and intriguing photos made by various artists to improve your mood.

Posted in
DAILY 4 Mar 2010
We continue to see simple things transformed into something unusual with this new collection of photos. The creativity employed to make these unusual objects is truly amazing. I am not sure what all of them do but they certainly are unique.
First part: Unusual Design of Ordinary Things (167 pics)

Posted in
DAILY 1 Mar 2010
Posted in
DAILY 26 Feb 2010
Some people do the funniest things while they are in their vehicles and on the roads which are shown by these photos. This explains, perhaps, why there are so many accidents every day. However, they sure are fun to look at while they are still an accident waiting to happen.
In this selection, you will see all types of fans, from the weirdest to the funniest, let alone their outfits. It feels that these people did their homework in preparing to the Olympics. 
Posted in
DAILY 19 Feb 2010
Body piercings are all the rage these days, but as these photos show, people are forever inventing new places to put the little pieces of art. I can just imagine what the parent of some of the kids had to say when they got home with their new piercing; “You pierced your what?”
Posted in
DAILY 18 Feb 2010
The middle finger has a language all of its own that everyone understands. We had already pictures with adults showing the finger and this time it’s kids.
I won’t profess to speak to the appropriateness of the gesture but it is clearly understood by all. Especially by those who receive it.