Posted in
DAILY 17 Feb 2010
Posted in
DAILY 16 Feb 2010
Posted in
DAILY 15 Feb 2010
Posted in
DAILY 12 Feb 2010
It is amazing how some people are the spitting image of others. I don’t just mean other people either. While it is true that some people look enough like someone else that it is hard to tell them apart there are some folk who look like animals or cartoons. If you don’t believe me just have a look at these photos.
Don’t forget two other parts:
As like as two peas (44 pics)
As like as two peas. Part 2 (51 pics)

We have all seen those shows on television that display odd weddings but I doubt you have seen anything like these. These are truly some of the weirdest. Like they say “love is blind” I suppose but I wonder if these couples will still be married in 20 years or so?

Some people are physically lazy while others are mentally lazy. However, the people in these photos have to be the laziest ever. How do they manage to live such a nonexistent life? I would certainly like to see some of these people lead productive but I doubt I ever will.
Sorry, a slip of the clicker..

Posted in
DAILY 10 Feb 2010
Posted in
DAILY 9 Feb 2010
Most all girls love to have their pictures taken and usually flattering poses. However, the girls who starred in these photos found it necessary to spoil the picture by making funny faces at the camera. Just like boys will be boys, I suppose the same can be said for girls as well.

Ever notice how some things are just bad ideas from the git go and are bound to fail? Well, as these photos prove there are such things in the world and they had no chance of succeeding from the beginning. Who thinks these things up, anyhow?

Posted in
DAILY 4 Feb 2010
These photos show some mighty strange looking trees and some of them are growing in some very strange places. Some are huge, some are small, but they all are unique one way or another. The funny part is that some of them are growing right in the middle of a town. Have a look for yourself.
Posted in
DAILY 3 Feb 2010
Posted in
DAILY 2 Feb 2010
Posted in
DAILY 1 Feb 2010
Some of these photos have already posted but as this collection is huge we decided to put all of them in here. Some of the ladies in their superhero costumes are very sexy; the majority of these costumes are simply ridiculous. It is truly amazing what some people will do to come up with an original costume at this festive time of year. What will they think of next?

Posted in
DAILY 28 Jan 2010
Posted in
DAILY 26 Jan 2010
Posted in
DAILY 22 Jan 2010
Funny selection of people sleeping in various places.
Thanks Tony from Uglypeople.se for sending us an interesting content once again.

Posted in
DAILY 20 Jan 2010
Look how small children are faced with the first failures in their life.
And let this be the first and last failures occurring on their path ;))
Well, let’s see this funny selection and don’t forget about the first part:
There’s always a first time for everything (42 pics)

Posted in
DAILY 18 Jan 2010